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Odd result from dragon age origins mods


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I've been replaying Dragon age origins in the last few weeks of I've come across something interesting. Every time I start a new game I've noticed that after the first conversation or area change there is an normal npc that will attack for very little reason. Upon looting them however I find atot of high-power equipment ( starfang warden commander armor and accessories that do not have the normal in-game qualities to name a fewitems) I was wondering if anyone else has come across something like this happening to them. If needed I make a list of mods running. Thanks in advance.
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Ftg quickbar

Warren's trading post

Open lock spells

Ancient elven boots fix

Appearance shifter

Tomb of calenhad

Return to castle cousland

Cullen romance option

Temple of vulak

Danish mage origin

Evoker spell tree

Mer storage


Raptures lightsaber

Dahlialynn's sleep til dawn

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Your most likely suspects are one of the quest mods (Tomb of Calenhad, Return to Castle Cousland, Temple of Vulak), though I've never played any of them and it's been years since I pulled them apart and looked and what they add.


FTG Quickbar, Open Lock Spell, Ancient Elven Boots Fix, Mer Storage, and DL's Sleep Til Dawn are all not responsible. (Played with all of them for years.)


If Cullen Romance Option is cmessaz's mod, then that's not the culprit, either.

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