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i cant get the game to launch


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im not sure what ive done wrong the game simply will not start using nvse to launch the game, or with the default game launcher.


here is my load order for mods



0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm
12 c oHUD.esm
13 d YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
14 e The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
15 f Vurt's WFO.esp
16 10 Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp
17 11 Asterra's Many Fixes.esp
18 12 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
20 14 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
21 15 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
22 16 WeaponModsExpanded.esp
23 17 WMX-DLCMerged.esp
24 18 WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
25 19 Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
26 1a Unofficial Patch Plus - Addendum.esp
27 1b NukaCola-Ojo.esp
28 1c IMPACT.esp
29 1d WMX-POPMerged.esp
30 1e Bashed Patch, 0.esp
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You didn't indicate "how" the game "fails to launch" (as in before or after you see a graphics window, the Bethesda Logo screen, the main menu, or after you choose between a "new" or "saved" game. More details help us give more precise answers. So here are some of the common reasons for similar issues.


* Move any "inactive/disabled" plugins out of the game "Data" folder. They count against the "plugin cap"(see Smaller Plugin Cap) because they get loaded by the game engine if found, and can cause "Missing Master" problems. Please see the wiki "Missing Masters" article if you get that error message. If those plugins without the "mod index" numbers are "deactivated" by the "Bash Patch", then you failed to have them "ghosted" by "Wrye Bash/Flash" when you built your "Bashed Patch". Please see the wiki "Bashed Patch file with Marked Mergeables" article.

Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" (CTD) it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.

Logs generated by the game itself (not Windows) are found in the game folder, where the "FalloutNV.EXE" file is located.

"NVAC - New Vegas AntiCrash" error log entries are described on the "Description" page. This an important log for "in-game" errors. Some are intended to assist mod authors; while others are there to help "you, the player" trying to resolve a problem. You are interested in the entries which are NOT automatically handled successfully by NVAC, and records which do NOT begin with "00" (which are in the vanilla game files and not typically going to be fixable by yourself). Key entries to look for are the following "letter codes":
* "e" entries are Exceptions handled specifically by NVAC's targeted code changes
* "h" entries are exceptions identified Heuristically by NVAC's "global" exception handler, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "m" entries are "Middle of nowhere" exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "ñ" entries are Null instruction exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "n" entries are Null pointer call exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "o" entries are stack Overflow exceptions, usually handled unsuccessfully.
* "q" entries are program self-termination information; these are effectively crashes.
* "u" entries are Unhandled exceptions reported from the Unhandled Exception Filter; these are crashes (and the NVAC author wants to hear about them).
* "v" entries are unhandled exceptions reported by NVAC's "global" exception handler; these are crashes.
* "w" entries are informative, relaying exception information as it passes through New Vegas's final exception handler.
* "x" entries are critical errors in Windows exception data; these entries should never occur.
* ":" entries are output from OutputDebugString calls.
* ";" entries are output from the game's own error checking.
Other codes may be of interest, but are not things the player is likely to be able to resolve, They are useful for informing the author of the mod to aid them in fixing their plugin. In particular, pass along the:
* "_" entries are informative, relaying that NVAC was loaded and the base address of various DLLs
* "!" entries are informative, relaying human-readable text for the user entries.
Any error codes found in the log but not listed on the mod "Description" page should be reported to the NVAC comments page.

'Expression Error: SYNTAX' is not uncommon, even in vanilla without any mods loaded. These are basically "typos". Such errors are reported by NVAC but ignored. Those lines of script code do not get executed, but also (when caught by NVAC) are not "fatal" to the game. They are the sort of thing mods like "Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP", "JIP LN NVSE", "JohnnyGuitar NVSE", "lStewieAl's Tweaks" etc. are designed to fix or supplement if possible.

Please see the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

If the problem persists, then work through either the 'Solutions to Starting the game problems' or the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' sections in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

I recommend anyone read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to play a modded FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so. It is designed for someone who has never played a modded PC game before, so it tries to avoid making any assumptions, is kept "up-to-date", and covers years of "lessons learned". It is NOT a list of various mods to install that happen to work on the author's machine. It addresses fundamentals underlying how to get the basic game and mods to work together.


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