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KL-E-0 Companion/Synth Conversion


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+1 for KL-E-O mods.


I would love for her to be an Automatron connected to a robot workbench in her house, be able to replace the star decal with faction logo's and the 'USA' decal with her name (I like the individuality that gives P.A.M.).


If P.A.M. could have the same faction logos either based on quest choice or putting a robot workbench in her room and linking her to it that would be sweet.


Same goes for an ADA name decal and P.A.M. and KL-E-O should go into a Protectron Pod for a couple hours over night, 1 till 3 maybe.


Ada needs likes and dislikes, max affinity perk and personal quest to repair and save vanilla robots.

It would be awkward making KL-E-O and/or P.A.M. leave their posts.


Brotherhood, Railroad and Institute paint for Liberty Prime.

C.I.T. paint for the Assaultron in the old part of the Institute.

I could go on, a lot.


Any expansion on robots is a good one.

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