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Closest Object to Player as Objective Marker


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I have multiple terminals location around the map that are linked to an objective on a quest. My goal is to get the closest one out of all of them to be the quest objective marker that is displayed for the player. I've used a location alias w/ conditions limiting to locations with custom loc ref type for the terminals, and a reference alias for the terminal that is set to that location alias and the custom loc ref type. Also, there is a reference alias for the player linked to the unqiue actor for the player. However, it will only point towards the terminal that you started the quest from when I load this into the game.


Any suggestions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!


Thank You,


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Check 1: an object needs to be either persistent or loaded to be found. If your placing terminals in an ESP then they will apparently be persistent.


There is a school that believes that LocRefTypes do not need to be persistent/loaded to be found which is kinda sorta true to get a location, but you wont get the actual end point object to fill an alias to attach a quest marker unless its persistent or loaded. Just saying.


Check 2: Keep your search simple and object bound, using locations and loc ref types can be frustratingly unpredictable (see above). If the base form is not specific like "MyQuestTerminal" I tend to attach unique keywords as that is a really simple conditional query "has keyword == UniqueKeywordForThatSearch" maybe qualified with && "type == Terminal" or && "GetIsID == ObjectBaseForm" for speed. Once you have that working, get clever.


Check 3: What is it actually finding. Do two aliases with the same conditions. A ref alias set to find Closest to player && Allow reuse in quest. A Ref Collection (inital counf = 0) to hoover everything up. See who finds what to figure out the problems.

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