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As the title states, I have both SAM Light, SAM Light Texture Addon, and Charmers of the Reach. I have the patch for the head to fix the neck seam with the body. But my body is dark red, my hands are black, and my feet are clubbed and look weird. I have read the COR Instructions that came with the download of the patch for SAM and COTR. I did what it said. And....nothing. I've scoured the internet and I cannot find an answer to my particular problem. I have all the relevant mods needed to make it work. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Do I need SAM Morphs for RaceMenu?


The crazy thing is, is that the NPC's bodies are fine. No neck seam, no weird hands or feet. Everything looks fine on them. No dark faces either.
Everyone but my player character is okay.


As I stated above, I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, It's probably something simple. At any rate, I'm gonna take a break and come back and see if I can't figure this out.


If anyone has any advice, I would truly appreciate it. Thank you for your time. God bless.

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