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Player Jobs (Skill Checks)


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Hey, Mods, first off, I apologize if there's a rule against more than one post in a short time.


Now, onto the idea.


So, in Fallout 4, I can give jobs to almost everyone. But I can't take them myself, which kinda sucks. So I thought, what if I could have a job? Or at the least, skill checks related to my tag skills? So maybe, random encounters where a skill check comes into play. For instance, where my character is a doctor, a wounded wastelander who needs medical assistance (or perhaps, one randomly showing up to a settlement clinic?). Or, where he's skilled with guns (using LevelupMenuEX and YouAreSpecial), maybe a chance to humorously defuse a mugging by telling the would-be mugger that his gun's completely unloaded?


You know, the fun things we could get in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


I don't know if it would be possible, sadly, but I feel like it would be a neat addition to make the game a bit fresher.




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