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Simple Suggestion: Leavable (Readable) notes


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So I was using the journal of the sole survivor and I came up with this idea cause of the dreaded "Why not?" syndrome:


Leavable readable holotapes / paper notes.


You get generic holotapes in the world that are blank and serve as leveled loot in any loot source along with paper notes, both being craftable.


when you select one you get to rename the item itself and edit the blank page within, and can make multiple pages.


when you leave them on the ground by dropping them when finished with the tape / note they magnetize to the ground / solid surface so they don't get bumped around by you walking.


Leavable / readable notes is meant to add your own lore to your own save file and even serve as a hint system / reminder for elaborate electrical systems, and unlike the journal of the sole survivor: one holotape / note does not overwrite the other, meaning if you spawn in blank notes / holotapes with the console they will still be able to be completely customizable.


Tag: Request, Notes

Edited by ZxAsriel
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