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AIPackages - NPC doesn't want to travel


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Hello, I managed to make an NPC sit in front of another, start a dialogue then at some point the in question NPC is supposed to get up and leave.


So in the AIPackages she just have "Sitting" & "Leave" depending on the conversation variable, I Xmarked her travel destination just outside the door where a trigger will disable her.


When the dialogue is over she justs stands up but doesn't want to leave... The conditions seem well defined though. She doesn't sit anymore but she doesn't even bother to go to the door UNLESS I start pushing her in that direction. So what's going on? How to fix this?


Thanks and sorry for the multiple topics.

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What about the options for your leave package? Uncheck "Enable Fallout Behavior" and check "Must Complete" and "Must Reach Location".


Do you do an EVP on them to make them chose another package? You can test this by opening the console, clicking on the NPC, and typing EVP.

Edited by GamerRick
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