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Question about fresh install


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Back in June, I've posted about the interface and UI bugging out when starting a new playthrough of New Vegas. I have not been able to fix it since then, and I've pretty much tried everything from uninstalling mods that I don't need and verifying the game cache. I'm thinking of doing a clean install of the whole game, and I was wondering if all the mods I have on my Vortex account will still be there, or would I have to reinstall them one-by-one by looking through my mod download history? Also, how would you properly do a clean install of the game?


I'm not that much of an expert in modding, so I hope someone will be able to provide me some answers. Let me know if you need any clarification in terms of the question I've asked. Thanks.

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I got you buddy:


1. Uninstall all mods via mod manager. (Don't delete them)

2. Uninstall game

3. Delete the game install location (wherever it was installed before you uninstalled it, delete the file)

4. Reinstall the game

5. Get some tacos, not that cheap garbage from taco bell, I'm talkin the good stuff.

6. Run the game till you get to the main menu.

7. Due to age try starting a new game to make sure it will actually do so on your computer.

8. Reinstall mods

9. Play the game

10. ???

11. Profit!

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Before uninstalling the game, copy (or just move) your current 'Fallout New Vegas' directory somewhere else. Backup your ini files from your savegame directory in case you need to remember any customizations you made (like fonts for DarnUI)..


In the future, right after doing a fresh install, you can then copy the the entire freshly new 'Fallout New Vegas' somewhere, so you can just refresh your install any time by just deleting the current directory and copying your backup into the installation folder.

Edited by GamerRick
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