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UNblock Random Dragon Attacks


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I have to admit I myself never noticed but now that I know I find it annoying that random dragon attacks mysteriously don't happen from the moment you pick up Delphine's "friendly" note until the end of A Blade In The Dark.


It's another Bethesda "handholding" stunt that just rings wrong, as we run into rather often. I'd really prefer for this to not happen. (As a sign of my general disgust over these things, about the third Fallout 4 mod I installed was to fix that ^*&))*(^)*(^ing Hole In The Wall quest, you know, the one where they tried to make you getting the disease inevitable to force that choice between 10% off your max HP or the life of Austin Engil?)


If the programmers worry about people dying from random dragons during that period, why not just have them not die? People taking precautions like the Riverwood Evacuation Guards is only sensible.

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