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First time Modder in need of Help.


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Just need a little help with modding. i watched through DarkPopulous's How to Mod Fallout New Vegas, followed all hes directions using Mod Organizer 2 even if it meant watching the steps acouple of times.

The first time i loaded up FNV i was amazed at how good it looked,of course because id been till late setting it up i turned my pc off to play again tomorrow. then the following day i had issues.

MCM not working correctly,did find all my mods listed to use it. also weird blue/rainbow textures on objects aswell as NPC's. now NPC have crooked eyes. low res pic on load up screen.


just need help with what i need to post for help....an alittle patience being a first timer an all, it might need to be explained point by point to understand.




thanks for your help or even just a look at the post.


thanks for your time.





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We REALLY need to see a sorted "load order" (such as produced by "LOOT"); to include the main game and DLC files. (Screenshots don't work so well for the purpose.) With modded games its the sequence, not merely the list of mods, which is the cause of many problems. LOOT's sort gives a good first approximation, correcting the most obvious issues and is sufficient for most players. You can make minor adjustments to the order and tell LOOT how to remember them. It's in the on-line documentation under "Metadata". Instructions on how to copy it's list for posting are in the "How to ask for help" article, and "Checklist Item #11' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Video guides have their place, and Gopher's are very good. But any video has time limitations (both in development and presentation) and tend to run through things in a straight forward "Do A, then B, then C ..." fashion without explanation about "why" or much detail. When you run into problems, they aren't typically going to provide new insights.


In the meantime, please see the 'Vanilla Load Order' entry in the 'First Timer Advice' section; and the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

If the problem persists, then work through either the 'Solutions to Starting the game problems' or the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' sections in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

I recommend anyone read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to play a modded FNV or it's been more than a year since you last set it up. It is designed for someone who has never played a modded PC game before, so it tries to avoid making any assumptions, is kept "up-to-date", and covers years of "lessons learned". It is NOT a list of various mods to install that happen to work on the author's machine. It addresses fundamentals underlying how to get the basic game and mods to work together. At least 90% of everything I post in the "Technical Support" sub-forum is already in that article.


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