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[MOD REQUEST] Camera Zoom in when slliping/tripping mechanic


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I would like to signal a serious problem, the FOV MOD by Rose completely changed the game and now finally there is an appeal to the free roam thanks to her. However the MOD does not freeze the camera at the desired distance and every time my character slips or has a slight off balance while moving the camera will zoom in and zoom back out, the problem is that this disastrously stupid mechanic constantly triggers when going downhill or on any rough terrain as the main character cannot handle a 5 feet stretch without constantly slipping, tripping, falling, tipping and so this renders the MUCH WELCOMED ADDITION FOV MOD a nightmare..

This also happens when the character grabs an object or comes across a BT field, everywhere you go you get ceaseless zoom ins, this mechanic is impossible to avoid even with trainers.

Is there a way to either remove this mechanic or at least remove the trigger of the zoom in?

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