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OutfitStudio problems


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So i have been trying to fit this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35289?tab=description to my body, since bodyslide tool doesnt convert anything i tried messing with outfit studio to fix the clipping.

I load the outfit in outfitstudio (file - load outfit), load a project so i would get bodyslide files (files - load project- load the mod from "SliderSets" folder), then select "slider- load slider" and i pick my stuff, but nothing appears.....

Doing so with the full body version works fine apart from the problem that i cant even wear anything with the full body version...


Can somebody help me out with this? i have spent like my evening after work trying to get over this, but i dont know what else to try now. If you for sure know what to do, text me a PM, if you are guessing then keep it in this post so i could try.



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