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Lights the player can quickly create and conceal through the use of spells.



This would be a Alteration spell similar to Magelight but as a concentration type spell like Clairvoyance or Healing. This spell would create an orb of light in the players hand while casting. The cost should be low, somewhere between 5 and 8 magica per second. It would likely be a Novice level spell and be purchasable through Tolfdir or any of the court wizards and findable as a world drop.



A conjuration spell that summons a torch for 120 seconds and can be "sheathed" to dispel it. The torch would be based on in-game torch values and effectively act like a normal torch but pulled to Mundus from Oblivion. If possible, the torch could also feature the same ethereal visual effect that the bound weapons have. This spell would likely be an Adept level spell costing around 40 magica to cast. It would be purchasable through Phinis Gestor or any of the court wizards and also findable as a world drop.



A light source that is quickly extinguishable is ideal for rogues or sneaky mage builds. Also good for anyone who uses mods that create darker dungeons/exteriors. It circumvents the hassles that come with a static light source such as Magelight or Candlelight that cannot be dispelled, as well as needing to open your inventory to equip a torch.

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I don't know about conjuration, but have you tried Wearable Lanterns by Chesko? There is a setting that makes your lantern go dark the second you go into sneak mode.

I have, and it's okay. Currently I'm using Quick Light SE (skyrimspecialedition/mods/12633). Which has a toggle function that can be activated through a keybinding to the keyboard, or by long pressing the action button on a controller. This functionality is nice but not quite satisfying that itch. From a utilitarian standpoint I feel like these two spells could theoretically exist in The Elder Scrolls universe. And I also feel it's believable that they would have practical everyday uses, enough to merit being sold pretty much anywhere. Possibly even in general goods stores.

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I agree they would most likely exist and, requiring concentration to keep going, they would probably be the novice or practicing spells. Start by making momentary light, then work on extending the time, until you're able to fire and forget for 30 or 60 seconds. At the top of the totem pole, the master spells, would create the permanent mage lights we see hovering around the college.

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  • 1 month later...

I was *just* looking for a mod that provides an 'illuminate'-type spell. +1 on this.


EDIT: the 'Bring To Light' spell is pretty much what I'd have wanted from 'Illuminate' - concentrate (keep casting) to produce light from an orb near the hand.


I've no idea what mod adds it, though.. I'm using Apocalypse & Arcanum, but this spell doesn't appear on either of their lists, or in vanilla Skyrim.

Edited by levethian
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I haven't seen any which would provide this stronger-with-experience type of illumination spell, but there are a few that have variations of candlelight. Beyond Skyrim - Bruma has a spell (torchlight? Or something similar) that is a small ball of fire hovering overhead, giving off a more orange, less glaring light. Caranthir Tower Reborn has a Phosphorescence, in which you just sort of emit a moderate light. Perhaps not quite as bright as candlelight but easier on the eyes. There are also some mods that make enchanted weapons or conjured atronachs give off light, like Vibrant Weapons, and Luminous Atronachs. Also, I believe Realistic Lighting Overhaul has a module which allows spells held in the hand to give off a small amount of light. Hopefully one of these will help you.

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