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Weird TTW Glitches/Bugs That Break the Game


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I downloaded TTW about a week ago and I started downloading mods for it and I finally finished with fine tuning everything. I opened FNV and decided to see whether some areas in FO3 were functional. I typed in "coc megatonplaza" but this is what I saw https://imgur.com/a/el0o29C. There is no land, I pretty much can't walk anywhere. I started deactivating certain mods one by one and eventually my Megaton started looking like this: https://imgur.com/a/l1Jf8Ca. I have xNVSE, NV Tick Fix, Mod Limit Fix, Chromatic Melancholy ENB and Ojo Bueno and NMCs Texture Packs (both maximum). It is evidently not because my TTW installation is borked but rather something else. Here are my mods and load order: https://imgur.com/a/W7u0Ox7 https://imgur.com/a/4NrzjLA. Thanks.

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