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Hmmm I have been excited about build smal hideouts on various places in NV. And now I finally have the tools/trade to do it.
I just have one simple question. What or which files are i'm suppose to upload on Nexus?
is it only the .Esp or is something more required?

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If you used any custom meshes or textures, you will need to upload those as well, after ensuring you have permission. A good modder will also include a readme with installation/uninstallation instructions, an overview of the mod, and an advisory of potential conflicts.
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Alright. Well what I have done is to build a shack above the Jack rabbit springs.
(whitch include a new cell. but I have only used items that already exist in the standrard FAllout NV),

Edited by Wickedforce
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Well all you have to do is, create a new winrar file somewhere on your computer thats easy to get to. Add your esp to that file and in the file manager on your mod on the nexus, upload that winrar file

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FOMM will handle 7z, RAR, and ZIP archives with (almost) equal aplomb, though the 7z code, in my experience, is the most stable.


I don't know about NMM, I avoid it as much as possible. :smile:

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