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Importing Dialog into CC


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I see that Creation Kit will let you export a tab delimited text file of all the game dialog. But how do you import that file back in?


Here's my scenario.


I have a custom ESP with all the changes I've made in the game, including a LOT of dialog changes. Well, something in that ESP is is messing up the game, can't dialog with most NPCs any more. No idea why. But I'm pretty sure it's my ESP, since the problem goes away when I disable the plugin.


I'm pretty sure it's not dialog that has caused the problem, but something else that I've changed, just no idea what it might be.


So I've exported the dialog, now I want to import it back into a new ESP. But there's no option to do that in CK that I can see.


Any ideas?

Edited by SteelRat1962
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As far as I know there is no way to "batch import" dialogue.


To make changes to dialouge you would have to edit each quest or NPC that involves dialogue you want to change.


(This is the reason why I always ask is something is possible / if my approach works before I "waste" days of work ...)



If your ESP changes something and you can't remember / don't know what, open it with xEdit.

There, everything that your ESP changes or even "touches" is listed.



Also, you probably meant CK instead of CC.


CK = Creation Kit (a good thing)

CC = Creation Clube (the "paid mods" thing from Bethesda)


That's probably why you haven't got any answers yet.

People see "CC" and just say NOPE!

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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can't dialog with most NPCs any more. No idea why. But I'm pretty sure it's my ESP, since the problem goes away when I disable the plugin.




Any ideas?


That looks like your quest(s) contains hello/greeting topic(s) that have no (or not enough) conditions, so most npc's say nothing, probably because they are actually saying such topic(s), overriding their original ones. Do you have subtitles enabled? that would help to identify if that is the problem.

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"Also, you probably meant CK instead of CC."


Yes, I meant CK, brain fart. Don't know how to edit the subject line.


As for Xedit, it took me a bit to realize you were talking about FO4Edit :)


I don't use that much, since it's difficult for me to find what I need in there, and more difficult to change things. But I opened that up and got rid of a few things. Didn't make a difference.


But I went back to an older save, before the problem occurred, and things have been fine so far. I've been saving a lot now.

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"That looks like your quest(s) contains hello/greeting topic(s) that have no (or not enough) conditions, so most npc's say nothing, probably because they are actually saying such topic(s), overriding their original ones. Do you have subtitles enabled? that would help to identify if that is the problem."


I haven't created any quests. Only changed the dialog in some, and random NPC dialog in other places. So I didn't change the flow of any quests.

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