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My Custom House! PICTURES. Also, Script Request!


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Hey everybody! Thanks to your help on a previous post (on how to stop interactions/destroy objects), I have had a ball recently in the GECK building and furnishing a home for my character. I always end up going overboard designing in games. :) I also tried very hard to make routine or boring things new and exciting again.

Here's the "laundry room", where I integrated both benches and placed some homey props. I'd like to make the washer when activated wash (repair) your armor ~15%. Would anyone be willing to walk me through scripting this, or post it? Thank you all!




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I'm proud of the bathroom, as I feel it is fairly authentic to the real game. That's all for now, folks! I'm not even close to finishing the whole house, as well it's my first build, so I've got a lot to learn. Please critique and give me suggestions. Thank you!



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For what its worth, here's the link to download it. The house is named 003B in the Interiors. I haven't found a good piece of land yet for the house (Boulder City NCR camp, overlooking the water?) so it uses a door I enabled from a filler building in Freeside East. NOTE: It disables the fast travel to outside the gates to Freeside East and North! It was too cluttered and redundant, as I placed a fast travel point right outside the house inside* Freeside.


Edited by ASJerrell
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Hi ASJerrell,


It looks very well-made and detailed (the kitchen's sink reminds me of reoccurring scenes from my real life). Nice work!

I like your idea of making the washing machine usable, able to repair your armor. I do have some suggestions, though:


1. Limit it to very light armors or clothing. I imagine putting a T-45 for a wash would not be very healthy, to the armor and machine both.

2. Make it consume one box of Abraxo Cleaner with every use.


Here's a script that should do what you ask, and what I suggested (Note: requires NVSE):

scn UsableWashingMachineScript

ref rArmor
float fTimer
float fCondition
float fMaxCondition
short bMenuUp
short iSelection

begin OnActivate

	set rArmor to player.GetEquippedObject 2
	if rArmor
		if player.GetArmorDT rArmor < 4
			set fCondition to player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2
			set fMaxCondition to GetHealth rArmor
			if fCondition < fMaxCondition
				if player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner
					MessageBoxEx "Washng Machine|Wash Armor|Cancel"
					set bMenuUp to 1
					MessageEx "Not enough Abraxo Cleaner."
				MessageEx "Equipped armor is fully repaired."
			MessageEx "Equipped armor cannot be washed."
		MessageEx "You are not wearing any armor."


begin GameMode

	if bMenuUp
		set iSelection to GetButtonPressed
		if iSelection > -1
			set bMenuUp to 0
			if iSelection == 0
				set fCondition to fCondition + (fMaxCondition * 0.15)
				if fCondition > fMaxCondition
					set fCondition to fMaxCondition
				player.SetEquippedCurrentHealth fCondition 2
				player.RemoveItem AbraxoCleaner 1 1
				MessageEx "Armor washed."

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In short, I did not get it to work. It won't save the script, possibly (as I've so far researched) because there is an error it finds. I downloaded the NVSE, and placed the files in the correct folder with the original launcher, but from there I am confused as to how to get this script to work. If you wish to help me, that would be incredible. You already put such effort into writing this for me, I'd hate to see it go to waste. Thank you again and again!

EDIT: Enabled the download of the house above!

Edited by ASJerrell
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