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Vault Suit changes won't show up for clean version only...?


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Hi Folks.


I'm looking for possible suggestions for fixing this; so if you have any idea at all please let me know.


I'm making a version of the Vault Suit with "62" on the back. So far so good; I got the female and male dirty version to work fine both on the player and on npcs and followers, but using exactly the same technique I can't get the replacement number to show up on either the male or female clean version. I've done the material replacement thing with the .dds and .bgsd files, also the Armor Addon etc. Also, when I look in the model data for the clean suit, it actually shows the new number on the back...but not in game! Each time I do a change I want to see I reload the CK so that's not the issue.


The clean suit defaults to the Vault 81 pattern, which is also strange since I used the Vault 95 suit as the basis for this changed version.


Admittedly, I am in-game testing using a modded game that I have just stuck the mod into. I suppose that could be a cause, but to show one and not the other version of the suit? Bizarre.


So yes, if anyone has even a vague clue please let me know.


EXTRA: When I do the "material swap" thing on an actor in the CK the new suit does show up. However, if I put that same suit in an Outfit and add that to the NPC, it only works with the dirty version and the clean one defaults to 81 again.

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