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Mod Request: Clothes and hair that NPC's have for player.


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This would be one of the best mods for someone to create, as the designer who outfitted the NPCs, especially female, was far better and more imaginative than the one who did the player character (V) choices. V's wardrobe is ghastly dull with the exception of some jackets whereas every time I walk the streets I see female NPCs with far more cyberpunk and attractive clothing. It would be good to have some way (as in Skyrim mods) to be able to 'loot/steal/copy' NPC clothing items. However I gather the way it is organised is they have 'sets' not individual items, and the structure of NPC clothing is very differently organised than for V so would not be transferrable, so this may be a difficult mod to ever crack. I know someone has already made a mod where (on a few NPCs) you can 'cycle' the available outfit sets that NPC wears in its rotations, but you cannot grab them for your own avatar.


Perhaps what we need is someone with some serious fashion design talent and a talented modder, to work on creating whole new ranges of stunning cyberpunk, adult, imaginative clothing and accessories for V as new items achieved only through fashion mods. Of course this is what CDPR should have done in the first place but clearly they failed miserably on this. V should have better clothing than any NPC and in third person this would be well worth seeing

Edited by darksharke
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