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Super Slow Download Speed [Help]


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Happy new year everyone.

New user here, trying to download Cinders mod for Dark Souls 3, but the download speed is super slow.

I'm not a premium member, nonetheless it says 2mb/s for free members, but its downloading 50kb/s.


Anyway I can fix it?

I live in EU if it helps and my internet speed is 50mbps


Sorry if Im posting on wrong section.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm living in China with the same problem. It says that you can get 1mb/s if you have an ablocker like myself. They should change it to say 1kb/s, that would make it more accurate to describe their download speeds.


I think it all depends on where you live, what you're downloading and what time of day it is. The only way it seems to fix this is to add to the coffers.


Seriously, 6 hours to download 62MB file? I could faster speeds if I used AOL Dial-up.

Edited by SteveB88
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