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Toolset won't open UTI as UTI


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I've got the Thedosian Warden mod installed with the Alistair Inquisition starter armor addon. I noticed, however, that poor Alistair's new armor is not armor at all! It's clothing. No armor rating to be found. Very sad. So, naturally, I decided to fix this. Tragically, my efforts have been thwarted by the dastardly incomprehensible Dragon Age Toolset. I've extracted the uti I need but when I try to open it I get this:




When I really feel as though I should be getting something similar to this:




What am I doing wrong here?

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You aren't doing anything wrong.


You have two different things there. The first image is an exported/compiled UTI file, for use in the game. The information is not intended to be editable, though you can edit data strings. The second is the toolset editable database version of an item file. That database file is not usable by the game, it has to be exported to a actual UTI file.


I'll let someone else explain why changing a unibody clothing item into a armour chest piece isn't really feasible, at least not by making edits to the UTI. I'm not feeling well (medical issues) and I can't form proper sentences at the moment. :confused:

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