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Quick question


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  • 2 weeks later...




I'm currently using GE-Textures 2.5. It's only 40mb, but makes the game look tonnes better.



Failing that, you could download a major mod like PoP or EGPIII and use their exclusive textures. At the moment though, i have a mix of GE-2.5/EGP/POP textures for native M&B.


GE does not do fancy weapon/armor textures to my knowledge. If you want this, then you might want to wait until you play a major mod with this, or do what i did and merge content from all your favorite mods into Native.


I'm using Custom settlements as a base, And am in the process of merging all the models/textures/units/music/sound from three of the best Native and WB mods, hopefully have it finished this weekend. :)

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