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Edited some text in an actionscript, now every character in that holotape displays as a "rectangle"

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Good morning everybody!


I just started messing around with some UI stuff ...

So, I edited some text in an action script file (text that gets displayd when a holotape gets loaded), and now every single character in that edited holotape shows up as a "rectangle", not as an actual character.

I just edited some text, nothing else ...

It's like the game doesn't "recognize" the font or something like that ...

But I didn't change anything font-related, just the actual text itself ...


I "recompiled" the FLA file after editing it of course ...


What could be the reason for this and how can I "fix it"?

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Well, it seems like I am "stuck" already, only a few minutes after trying to mess with this "UI stuff" ...


I did tried to follow the general "scheme" of "getting started with stuff": First, try to make some changes to another mod to get used to the tools, then try to do something small yourself .....


Here is some additional information:

I was using Adobe Animate to do this edit, I installed the "FO4 interface presets" from the "Unofficial FO4 Interface Development Kit" (https://github.com/F4CF/Interface) and I have installed the required fonts.


So it makes no sense that ever character, not just the edited ones, but every character in that holotape shows up as a ▯.


The mod that I edited whe swf file of is this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46965

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So, nobody knows how to solve this problem?

Looks like my "adventute in the lands of UI stuff"stopped as quickly as it started ...


This is EXACTLY why I hate dealing with this UI stuff!

Almost nobody knows how to do it and the people that have the knowledge either don't look through the forum or have better things to do then teach others ...


>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

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