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Help with a simple Enchantment Script


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I'm new to creation kit and scripting. What I am trying to do is put together a simple script, so that whenever the staff is fired, it triggers a script that recharges the staff after say 5 seconds.


I looked around, and only really found a OnSpellCast event. On the page it says that this works for enchantments as well, but I'm not sure how to link these things together. I am also not that familiar with the syntax and structure of Papyrus.


If anyone can help me with making this simple script, I'd be very grateful!


Thank you very much!

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You can put the script on a reference alias pointing to an actor, or add a spell ability to an actor and put a script on the spell ability's magic effect. For a reference alias, you can do something like this:


Scriptname TM_ReferenceAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias 

Enchantment Property MyEnchantment Auto

Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) 
    If akSpell == MyEnchantment

Event OnUpdate() 
    Actor SelfRef = GetActorRef()
    SelfRef.SetAv("EquippedStaffCharge", SelfRef.GetAv("EquippedStaffCharge") + 100)
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