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Gun Mounted Flashlight


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Hi there,


i have been playing FNV for quiet a while now and i love the Mods you guys make. just makes the game more realistic and interesting. But there is still one thing i miss in the game.
(as the title says) A gun mounted Flashlight, one that you can actually see, being attached to the gun.
i have no idea how to make such mods, so maybe there is somebody out there who is able to create such a flashlight.
I know, i know, there is already a mod for a flashlight you can mount on your head or belt or hold it in your hand, but i think it would look much cooler if it could be attached to the weapon.
i was already thinking about at least two different mountable flashlights.

1.: the simpler one: just take the flashlight from another mod, eg. Flashlight NVSE by vivanto, (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39968), and some duct Tape to improvise a flashlight, attached to your gun, that goes where you are aiming.

2.: The tactical: Special forces and Army, but also Police forces, around the world use small flashlights, sometimes combined with a laser sight, that can be attached "professionally" to the weapon and doesn't look like a normal flashlight you just duct-Taped to your gun.
one that is attached like a scope or the lasersight or Silencer for the 10mm Pistol.
I think you know what i mean.


i think it Would be great to have something like this in the Mojave, especially when you have mods installed that make the nights darker and stuff.


As i said, i have no idea how to create a mod, so i don't know weather this is possible or not.

so,.... opinions please :)


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