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[Mod Request]: A way to force complete a bugged mission.


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I have Blistering love (sq031) and Gig: A Lack of Empathy (sts_cct_dtn_03) bugged and incompletable. I tried editing the save files using the file save load editor mod but it doesn't do anything to the quests. I was hoping there was a console command for the action but nothing is revealed yet.

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I have Blistering love (sq031) and Gig: A Lack of Empathy (sts_cct_dtn_03) bugged and incompletable. I tried editing the save files using the file save load editor mod but it doesn't do anything to the quests. I was hoping there was a console command for the action but nothing is revealed yet.

I was wishing for a fix like that also.

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