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VR Quest delay


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What is the ideal delay a VR quest should have? must it be a fast quest or is it ok te leave the quest with the defult delay?


Looked into TIP Best Practice Sharing Variables between Scripts and Adding an Options Menu, there's no mention to it so I guess it doesn't matter, but just to be sure...


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For a quest script that reads user key presses, setting it to 0.1 works for me. Any longer than that and it may miss it. But, I have no idea if there is a rule for this.


No no, I'm not making an options menu, just linked because that's where I'm reading about VRs

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What is a VR?

Took me a whole month to see this. Variable Reservoir, a Quest whith a Quest Script which sole purpose is to store variables to use among other scripts. Although I guess it doesn't really matter if the script does anything else.

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OK. Shows how using an acronym that is commonly known as Virtual Reality and not used anywhere on the links you provided, can ruin your attempt to ask for help.


I think you can just leave it at the default 5 seconds. Since there is no GameMode or MenuMode blocks, there is nothing to run anyway.

Edited by GamerRick
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The "proper" people to answer that are the engine delvers like jazzisparis and lStewie and company. As we don't often see them here on the forums, I'll offer up my thinking on the subject.


The developers "blackbox" many things in their proprietary libraries of code. As such code is not publicly available, we have no idea what it contains. This is by design to protect their "intellectual property" rights. So we can't always determine how something "works" by what the developers do in the vanilla code we can see because they have access to information we don't.


One of those "hidden things" (AFAIK) is the game initialization process up to a certain point. A distinction between "vanilla" and "addons" such as "mods" is what can be assumed to be present and what can't. In the case of variables added by a mod, they cannot be assumed to be "known" by the engine without some mechanism such as "declaration". But when does "declaration" occur? Not automatically because the engine doesn't know about the mod's needs. So the mechanism for informing the game of some of the mod needs at various points is the "quest", and the "Start enabled" option causes that quest to get initialized during the "loading" process (or some time early in the process, but before the quests without that option; not something I have ever looked into).


When you ask if the quest can be used as "data", think a little more about what you are meaning by "data" in this context. You are referring to something that can be utilized by your code; in other words "variables". But a variable the engine doesn't know about (that hasn't been "declared") causes a "syntax error". So you have a "chicken or egg" problem. The VR is basically a way to say "the egg comes first". A quest that is never "started" is like a script that is never activated. They can exist, but do nothing useful.


But I could be completely off the mark. This is just "logical speculation" on an interesting question.



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I don't think it's that complicated. I would imagine that the Start Game Enabled thing only has any meaning if the script has blocks that would be called every 'quest delay' seconds, Otherwise (on second thought) it means nothing and does nothing that would hurt performance for a script that is just used as a global variable repository for other quests..


The question I was asking is: Can you still set and get its quest variables, and will the game still save them in the savegame, if it is not running? I believe the answer is YES, since there may still be a need to check quest variables even after the quest is stopped.


So, I don't see it as an issue worth further investigating, except (as Dubious stated) those that can decipher the actual code want to.

Edited by GamerRick
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