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Bugged aim down sights and iron sights on Laser weapons


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I have wmx and war (war uninstalled) and idk at what point this happened but my ads animations on some weapons block my vision (not sure but true iron sights on has the off animation but no crosshair and the true iron sights off has the crosshair but blocked by the gun) i also noticed some weapons jump into ads position on their own when fired (12.7pistol), others jump in front of my face when i shoot them while ads (tribeam).one last thing, laser rifle and pistol have iron sights added i want them removed because they block my vision
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Because "Texture/Mesh" replacement mods replace vanilla versions of those files, you absolutely have to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation (AI)" off-and-then-on again after installing or removing one of them so it recognizes that there are loose files (added by the mod) which have to be used in place of the vanilla files in the BSA files or are no longer there and the BSA files should be used instead. That failure to toggle is the most common reason behind most "texture problems". This is usually evidenced by red "!" icon for missing meshes, and solid colors for missing textures, or "messed up" textures. This "ArchiveInvalidation" mechanism is incorporated in all the currently used mod managers, so there is no need to (and problems arise if you do) install older mods to provide that capability. ONLY USE ONE METHOD of AI, especially if you have multiple mod managers installed. Otherwise they will conflict, as they use their own "arbitrarily chosen" names for the AI BSA files. (There is not a standardized name used among them all.) Please see the 'ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager)' section of the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article, and also see the 'Checklist Item #15 & 16' entries in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Depending upon your mod manager, you may need to re-install other mods that replace files overwritten by a "removed" mod.


Also, please see the 'Issue - Aiming -" entries under the 'Solutions to Graphics problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


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