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Timer Script / Delay


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Hey guys,


I try to figure out how I can write the script for a timer. I want it to get activated (start at 0), count to 1, do something, count to 2, do something ... , count to 5, end. But I do not know at all how to write it. As I tried to be guided by the Autoclose-Door script I got to know that the float-command would be necessary just like if-commands with <1 and so on, but how does it actually work? I didn't find a tutorial or thread or something, and I do not understand how I can delay an action caused by a trigger (or to set multiple actions in a short frequency) (GECK-Wiki neither).


Does anybody know what I need for such a script?

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I want to enable one object, play a soundfile and change the Imod for the half of a secon, wait a second and repeat these steps (with another object, but I think that should be only a matter of reference), and again. Kind of Special wishes.
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That's still a little vague.

Anyway, for the timer part, try using this code, as a skeleton:

short	iState
float	fTimer

begin GameMode

	if iState
		if (fTimer >= 5) && (iState == 3)
			(Do something)
			set fTimer to 0
			set iState to 0
		elseif (fTimer >= 2) && (iState == 2)
			(Do something)
			set iState to 3
		elseif (fTimer >= 1) && (iState == 1)
			(Do something)
			set iState to 2
		set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed



You initiate the sequence by setting iState to 1 (from whatever it is that is supposed to trigger it). The timer will then start running, performing actions after one second has passed, then after two seconds, and finally after five seconds (then it will reset).

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Thank you, that's very useful! Must I write a ""set iStage to 1""-line to start it or is the skeleton up to here sufficient? I don't have time to test it today I think, but I'll post again as soon as I can if it works as it's supposed to work.

Another question (just out of curiousity), why is the timer upside down? I'm talking about ""fTimer >= 5"" and so on. Is the order unimportant (because of ""elseif"" I presume)?


short DoOnce

short    iState
float    fTimer

begin OnTrigger

if iState
        if (fTimer >= 5) && (iState == 3) && DoOnce == 0

            (Do something)
            set fTimer to 0
            set iState to 0
        elseif (fTimer >= 2) && (iState == 2)
            (Do something)
            set iState to 3
        elseif (fTimer >= 1) && (iState == 1)
            (Do something)
            set iState to 2
        set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed

        set DoOnce to 1



EdIt: Changed the purpose a bit, but the skeleton is the same. Alas it won't save... I couldn't find a mistake, but I hardly understand the whole script.


scn ZModLibrarySCRIPT

short DoOnce

short iState
float fTimer

begin OnTrigger

	if iState
		if (fTimer >= 5) && (iState == 3) && DoOnce == 0
			XMarker1.placeatme ZModLightExplosion
			set fTimer to 0
			set iState to 0
		elseif (fTimer >= 2) && (iState == 2)
			XMarker2.placeatme ZModLightExplosion
			set iState to 3
		elseif (fTimer >= 1) && (iState == 1)
			XMarker3.placeatme ZModLightExplosion
			set iState to 2
		set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed
		set DoOnce to 1


Edit2: Interesting, I spelled the scriptname wrong. Now it saves. Will test it soon. Thanks up to here. :)

Edited by Xynion
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why is the timer upside down?

In this case, the order is not important. It's just how I built it.


Now that I see you intend to use a trigger activator, the skeleton script should look something like this:

short	iState
float	fTimer

begin OnTriggerEnter player

	set fTimer to 0
	set iState to 1


begin GameMode

	if iState
		if (fTimer >= 5) && (iState == 3)
			(Do something)
			set iState to 0

			; Optional:

		elseif (fTimer >= 2) && (iState == 2)
			(Do something)
			set iState to 3
		elseif (fTimer >= 1) && (iState == 1)
			(Do something)
			set iState to 2
		set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed


A few notes:

1. I replaced OnTrigger with OnTriggerEnter. The former will run every frame, as long as there's an actor standing inside the trigger; the later will run once, only when an actor steps into the trigger. Notice that I also added 'player' afterwards. This will ensure it can only be triggered by the player. You can erase it if you intend ANY actor to be able to trigger it.

2. About the two lined I marked as optional: If this is to be a one time event - leave them. Otherwise, if you intend it to re-play itself every time someone triggers it - erase them.

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I see, witht the MarkForDelete you avoided using Short DoOnce. To this point - and so far I understand the script - it should do! The other one didn't worked out, I'll compare it with your new one tomorrow to find the mistake. I'll tell you when the new script worked. :) Thank you, I'm really glad that the people in this forum are so kind and helpful. Guess it wasn't a matter of one minute to write this script. Thanks!

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@Xynion - I think you need this link to a set of tutorials. One is for setting up a staged timer and the other is a beginning scripting tutorial for the Geck. Also, if you haven't got the wiki bookmarked you should have that too. It's invaluable for info on functions and blocktypes when scripting (at least until you begin to memorize them).

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I actually worked a lot with the wiki to get basic knowledge and up to now it helped me a lot (skipping trough the Functions-page is very interesting). I knew the Scripting for Beginners-tutorial, but I've read it in the wiki, so the others tutorials were missing; thus thanks for the link! The tutorial on staged timers (now I even understand how his and jazzisparis script works) is also very helpful.

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