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Game Input Loss


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Every time I play this game, at a random time, I lose the ability to use keyboard and mouse, and the only way to continue is to exit the game and restart it. I have tried almost all solutions presented to me, yet none of them work. Could you guys help me play this game?

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Every time I play this game, at a random time, I lose the ability to use keyboard and mouse, and the only way to continue is to exit the game and restart it. I have tried almost all solutions presented to me, yet none of them work. Could you guys help me play this game?

Complete history about the game on your system please.

Where is it installed at.

What version is it ? GOG, Steam,CD.

Type of drive and space available.


version OF the OS

Graphics chipset type.

Cards if any.

Tweaks / or mods if any?


And I'll help you.

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