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SHIELD BREAKING HAMMER - Duke Patrick's Hammer Blade!


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So I was playing Skyrim today, doing the usual bandit fighting, hating the fact that if they have a shield they just stand and block most of the time then I remembered a mod from Oblivion that I always used to use. I remembered the name of it after a quick search, Duke Patrick's Hammer Blade! It was a weapon you could as a reward for beating a guy (Duke Patrick) in a duel. The textures were meh and it didn't have any enchantments (I used to just put one on) but it had an awesome ability: If you were to perform a power attack against an opponent blocking with a shield, you would shatter/break their shield and heavily stagger them! I thought it was an awesome idea and it looked really cool and I wish I could have a weapon like that in skyrim to smash all them stupid shields!


The original Oblivion mod found here if you want to take a look, sadly it didnt really gain the popularity it deserved: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27949?tab=description


The weapon in action (skip to around 1:00):



I dont know what kind of scripting is involved or if it could even work but I recently played the mod Away-Come Away and for those who don't know, their are 2 weapons in the mod with abilities kinda similar to the mod I suggesting: A Greatsword that if you perform a sprinting power attack would do an AOE attack and a bow that if you shoot an enemy that is performing a melee attack it will disarm them.


Thanks for reading my suggestion, please let me know what you think?

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