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See enemy resistances


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I was wondering if there already is a mod or would it be possible to make a mod that would show what kind of resistances and/or weaknesses enemies have next to their health bar? Kinda like the "awareness" perk in Fallout 4.

It's sometimes frustrating to play as a mage when you don't always see what race or type your enemy is so you just keep using something like shock all the time because that most likely works. It would be cool to use more frost spells (no pun intended) more but so many enemies are resistant or even immune to it so this kind of mod would help a lot.

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There are 3 ways to display the resistances. a notification in the top left, a message box pop up or the description of the spell used to pick an npc.


I think the least intrusive would be to return the highest resistance of the last creature hit in a notification, when the player casts a spell.

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