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[LE] Deciphering the lost art of weight painting

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I reaaally need help. I am new to modding and I am trying to apply hdt to the mage journeyman robe, but nothing seems to work. I tried copying the bones from various templates, tried to manually paint it, tried to copy and then manually paint, to no avail. I even used Mesh Rigger and the result was something as if the robe's center had been grabbed by a dark hole and then exploded into all directions. Unfortunately, I don't have any images now, because my glourious Intel Celeron N3010 laptop had to be formatted.
Any tips on how can I grasp the divine source of this knowledge?
Thanks in advance.

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It entirely depends on what you mean by "applying HDT".


If you mean body physics, you can easily replace the body using Outfit Studio to use the CBBE HDT body, then copy breast/butt bone weights.

If you mean cloth physics, well, good luck. Very few people know the ins and outs involving custom bones and config files but you may find a tutorial on youtube.

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Well, I mean cloth physics, like skirts, cloaks and scarfs. Body physics it's not my kind of thing, though I managed to (not on purpose) apply breasts and butt physics to my male character, which was funny, to be honest, but also disapointing.


Yeah, I saw every tutorial I could find, but none of them was really useful. I don't get why "keep this a secret". The community is great, but it could be even greater if we had more sources for learning. Anyways, thanks for the reply.

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