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Looking for material transmutation, duplication, summon spell


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Looking for a spell that can transmute different crafting materials into each other i.e. ore to leather, ingots to dragon bones, Dragon scales into soul gems, etc.

I'd also be interested in a spell that can either duplicate items or just straight up conjure materials/alchemy components into your inventory. Apparently the old Apocalypse Spell Pack Mod had a replicate spell that got removed but I never tried it and have no idea how to get it working now. I think the other post I read said it was last in version 508.


I have a mage character and love the idea of being completely self reliant and limitless once you build up to it. I'm not concerned about it being op because I play more for storytelling rather than a challenge.


I know this stuff can be done with console commands but I prefer everything to be doable "in-game". Even if it is game breaking and op it still feels more satisfying having a method for the character to do it rather than just typing into the console whenever I want or need something.


This is my first post I've done so sorry if there was anything done incorrectly.




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I suppose the very basic would be (and I don't make mods so I may be wrong) a spell that so long as you have a single material as the cost, lets say an iron ingot, you can cast it and it would open up a chat box allowing you to select which ever material you wish it to turn into.

Another method could be multiple spells where one turns Iron ingot-dragon bone-dragon scale, another for iron-leather, another dragon bones-soul gem- regular gem (lets say garnet), then another that starts at a base gem (example garnet) and keeps upgrading it up to diamond. and then another for diamond all the way up to flawless diamond. That would cover all the smithing basics I think.


I think for alchemical supplies it would be best to have a chat box open and allow you to select whichever one you want given the vast amount of choices.


Again I'd also be fine with spells that just conjure up materials into my inventory or just duplicate materials. I'd just love to have a way to "master the material world" through arcane means for my character. The character I have has a lot of ingots and soul gems due to all the other mods I have installed but no reliable way to get leather, dragon bones and scales, and alchemical supplies outside of the basic hunting and foraging grind for them which I'm not necessarily against but again I would like to take the next step with magic whilst avoiding just typing in console commands.


As long as it can reach the end goal of obtaining the supplies through magic and not typing in console I'm not too stuck in my ways in how it's done specifically. I'm open to any and all ideas, and since I'm not a mod maker I'd certainly be glad and grateful for anything created.




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The problem with message box menus is they can only have a max of ten buttons, horizontally aligned. So they often run off the side of the screen. an mcm menu could solve this or linking many message box menus.


Your spell idea could work in either implementation. Just using a script to advance X amount of compatible materials it finds in inventory to the next tier. However you either have to do all materials or the first compatible materials it finds.


There is also a vanilla (might be dlc) transmute spell, i haven't had a look at how it works, i just remembered i came across in my Chaos Mode mod. I think it just turns ore into ingots.


If i take on this mod it won't be soon, im currently working through a couple other requests that will take at least a month. But this is on the list.

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I've been gone a long time, but recently reinstalled Skyrim and started tinkering on my mod Synthesis Redux again. The existing lastest version does have some working spells that do pretty much what you're asking for in that you can summon some items out of the blue but they fade if not used shortly after summoning them, otherwise there's a spell called philosopher's stone that greatly enhances the ability to transmute materials.
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