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Auto Situational item equip


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Is there a mod that equips a certain items(which we have previously set) automatically according to the situation...

Ex:lets say I'm trying to open a lock and i have gloves that gives a bonus to lock picking, So i need to access my inventory or fav menu to equip them then again i have to switch to my gauntlets if i have to fight there...So what i'm asking is is it possible to make a mod that equips the gloves or whatever that i have automatically and then switch back after i'm done...

If i could set a mod to auto equip these items if i have them in my inventory depending on what i'm doing....Hope i'm making sense to others...

lets say i have an item that gives one handed bonus and another item with two handed so depending on the weapon i'm wielding it will automatically equip from the list i have set meaning i must have put those items in the list to auto equip if i'm in that certain situation.

I have never tried modding before but i will also try but if someone can do this it would be really appreciated...

Thank you....

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A mod like that wouldn't work because the equipitem function is broken:


See the equipitem petition article for details:


oh man....that's too bad :( but it says that the items found in game works ok with scripted equipping....wonder is it the same with items added through console....

anyways thanks for the reply :smile:

oh hmm you might be right :p

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You can always favorite and then assign a hotkey to the item. But you are only limited to 1-8 and for most people those are for more important stuff (i.e. weapons/spells)


I believe Customized Favorites Menu allows you to setup a group of items to equip at one time.


Another possible solution but it would need to be made is to setup a container that when items are added creates a formlist. Those same items are immediately given back to the player. Then whenever a predefined SKSE style hotkey is pressed all equipable items on that formlist will be equipped. This tho would have the drawback that the item may not have the player added enchantments applied.

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You can always favorite and then assign a hotkey to the item. But you are only limited to 1-8 and for most people those are for more important stuff (i.e. weapons/spells)


I believe Customized Favorites Menu allows you to setup a group of items to equip at one time.


Another possible solution but it would need to be made is to setup a container that when items are added creates a formlist. Those same items are immediately given back to the player. Then whenever a predefined SKSE style hotkey is pressed all equipable items on that formlist will be equipped. This tho would have the drawback that the item may not have the player added enchantments applied.

Thanks Bro...I Will try it out :)

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