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Hellfire Power Armor Deleted Retexture Mod, Kerfuffle


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Try and incert one of these and see what happens?



Just to give ya an idea of where and what to look for?



on Fo3 data base.


this is just to give ya an idea of where and who did what and when.

Edited by Purr4me
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Fi <-- Type O " If "




I downloaded a few dozen mods looking for the glow maps. So far no luck.

In a couple of day's when I have more free time, I'll mount a few very large terabyte drives that has 11 years of downloads on them and sift through them looking for the mods.


yes, you would be advised to just make them your self. It's a single glow map. 1 file.


How ever, I wanted to give you the mod it came from. It's just a glow map / texture. with UV's for it------2 or 3 files max. the helm mesh file has the textures listed in it.


There are several ways You can hunt for it. Xedit fnvedit has a script called asset manager. when applied to say the DX armor plugin, and target a desktop folder ? you make that, you can see what the exact files you may already have

and see what it can draw from your own data base.


you can also see what the plugin is missing too ! That's will give you at least a a basis to go by.

I have one HDD that has about 200 gig's of software of 4 different games that contain fully extracted assets from all bsa archives and mods that I can look into for the correct assets and IF I find them ? I'll pack them up and send them to you.

it's worth it if you learn anything.

Honestly what would you recommend for a way to retexture/color and change how things look, like which application?

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Ask Pixel Murder IF he can do it for you.

You need A HD artist that has the know how.

There are Tools from Authors no longer present on the nexus but left behind their tools.

  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/users/1205226?tab=user+files&BH=1
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/users/75927?tab=user+files&BH=1


I am simply a trouble shooter and mod repair person. I repair misconfigured mods for people in private On discord...Any mods.

I do not make assets. IF I do, then it's by request and only with vanilla assets involved .

here's an example.



And this one.



I have too many to post here, but you will get the point.

Basically I rebuild mods. remove and fix errors . Merge component's that are Unnecessary, reduce Plugin usage. Combine Mods and Create works for different applications.

Like Skyrim legacy to SSE OR SSE to legacy.

Troubleshoot loaders, asset's, Game configuration's.

System wide Configurations, rebalance Windows, Linux, and thus it goes on and on. <----IF I have the time.

Verify Ownership of the games. Verify If the game is playable on the systems.

Not just this game, all games.

How ever, I do not make assets for people even if asked. I do know the right people but will not bother them nor Ping them.

Modding is a hobby for you to learn. I am here to help you IF I can.

Most of the gaming I do is way out of this league here.

Any mods I build I do not share, I do build mods on other peoples machines remotely IF they qualify.

Requirements is 30.mb per second internet connections High speed internet.

But I can not use mod managers for a lot of the work I do. That disqualifies the functions required.


you Own a game, it's installed on your device "Locally" Not Globally.

I do not use proxies. Can't have those kinds of settings.

Exact Publishers settings in place. Tools ?

LOL oh man there's a lot required. But client must have all of them on their devices in order to do what i do.



Kitty Black

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