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[offtopic?] Modding FO4 made it impossible for me to enjoy other games.

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Good evening everybody!


[Warning: This might be offtopic, but it is about creating mods for FO4]


So, as you may know, I love FO4 because you can change, add, remove (almost) anything with the CK.

However, it has some (big) limitations.


I have been playing / modding FO4 and Skyrim almost exclusively for the last few years.

When you do something for that long, you need to take care that you don't get "burned out" on it.

But I can't really "focus" on multiple different things at a time.

I like to focus on one thing and devote all my time and energy to that.


So, to avoid getting "burned out" but still "keep my focus on FO4", I have been switching between modding and playing.

When I get tired of playing FO4, I continue to work on my mod projects.

When I get tired of modding FO4, I continue my FO4 playthrough.

And so on ...

And while that works , after a while I still loose some "energy" to do FO4 stuff.


So, I have been looking at some other games.

There are some other games out there that are great to play, but impossible to modify in a "nice way" like FO4.


After a few minutes of playing, my brain immediatley goes into "modding mode" and starts thinking "I'd love to change that, remove this, maybe change the stats of this weapon, make this location into a player home, ...".

But I can't.

So I start thinking "what's the point if I can't 'work with this' ?"


And I go back to FO4 again and the whole thing starts all over again.

It's almost like an addiction (or an abusive relationship), you know it is bad (FO4's annoying limitations) and you get frustrated, but you keep comming back for more.


And there is of course the whole "I have already spent sooo much time working on FO4 stuff, I don't want it to 'be for nothing' " - thing.

So I don't want to "fall in love" with another game, which is another reason why I have been avoiding other games.


I love FO4 and if I play other games, I might see something and think "that would be a nice game mechanic / function / whatever in FO4", but then I find out that that can't be don in FO4.

And I HATE dissapointment, I try to avoid it at all costs. (I know, I have some issues)

Let me rephrase that:

I hate the feeling of getting to know and love something (like a game mechanic in another game for example) and then having it "taken away" from me (because it can't be implemented in FO4).



This whole situation is really tricky and there doesn't seem to be a solution.

So, if anybody has any thoughts on what I should do, let me know here!

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I used to like playing Borderlands when burnout loomed. There's no real modding to speak of, and no great depth of strategy beyone "which gun shall I use?" so I found it ideal for turning my brain off and just running and shooting.

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Sounds very familiar. I did get 'burned out' a bit, after months of daily work on a huge mod, which i somehow managed to f.up. Didn't play or mod fo4 for 1,5 years.

But I'm back at it since last December. Nothing really changed though. Right before returning to fo4, i played a game with T type robots who wish to kill all humans which includes a lot of crawling through ducts. My brain still went like: "wish i could do that with fo4".


So, I'm sorry to say I don't have a solution, but at least: You're not alone

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I went through this back in the day modding Star Trek Armada. It too had its limitation regarding the modding envelope. For example, low poly modeling was a challenge for me. As PCs advanced I eventually backed away from modding, mostly because the newer PC platform would no longer run Armada. I do understand your desire to mod F04 and it is a bit addicting for sure. Sometime a break is needed. For example, I like playing Ghost Recon Wildlands and the like. I just play the games for what they are worth (entertainment value) .

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I've done modding cycles in other games. Ones that use the unreal engine can be fun to mod since learning that system can be interesting. Though it can be much more limited than what the Creation kit allows. The silver lining is that what you learn can span games. That said, most of those are survival game that likely will feel shallow compared to Fo4.


I've done a fair hand of modding in Conan Exiles and even made some sandbox games for myself in just the unreal engine. Nothing fancy, just playing with physics and world building. It can scratch the itch/obsession to build creatively while you bounce around other things.

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I'd say it ruined Fallout 4, Skyrim and Morrowind for me. Because I can't walk around 5 minutes without thinking about how to make something more convenient or circument a mechanic.


Although Morrowinds scripting system really makes it hard

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I use Fallout4 as a hide out from rage quitting my own inadequacy at git gud competitve shooters such as PUBG and Call of Duty.


Bouncing between the two very different genres has never gotten old.


And thats why I created a heap of combat shooter challenge type solutions for Fallout 4 ... which are of course zero interest to the regular scrapping/'mershun/dwessup/lore obsessed PC RPG player :pirate:

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That said, most of those are survival game that likely will feel shallow compared to Fo4.

Well, I personally play FO4 like a "survival game", just because I don't like the MQ.

And since all the factions are tied into the MQ, there aren't really "faction questlines" (like in Skyrim).

But that is a rant for a different time ...

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I'd say it ruined Fallout 4, Skyrim and Morrowind for me. Because I can't walk around 5 minutes without thinking about how to make something more convenient or circument a mechanic.


Although Morrowinds scripting system really makes it hard

Well, for me it's not about "making it more convenient" or "streamlining it", as they say nowadays, it's about the opposite!

More complexity, more choice!

But that is the cool thing about modding: Everybody can do their own thing, there is no "right" and "wrong".

(Except when the papyrus compiler says so ...)

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