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Mod in progress, any help :)


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Hey everyone,


I could use some help.


I'm working on a new player home idea, nothing too ambitious. I'm having trouble understanding quest creation, and I could really use some pointers or even a co-pilot to help me out.


Basically, I'm creating a small vault home untouched due to high security measures (designed for a local billionaire, never made it before war), and I just need a short quest to find the security pass to deactivate the defenses in the billionaires loft in d.c, and a few other short objectives.


Any help is appreciated :)

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itscolton - Hello!


"I'm having trouble understanding quest creation, and I could really use some pointers or even a co-pilot to help me out."


I would direct anyone starting out with the GECK to the official GECK guide:




As it's a really good set of instructions written in a clearly understandable way that will guide you through all the skills needed to create a mod.


It also progresses in a steady step by step way with using kits:




To clutter & navmesh .etc.


It was following this guide that taught me the basics, there's even example donloads & youtube videos to help illustrate what they are talking about.


"I'm having trouble understanding quest creation, and I could really use some pointers or even a co-pilot to help me out."


There's a really good guide for that on that very site:




It'll guide you through making a basic quest.


Hope this helps!



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