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[Globals] Finding XP Rewards settings

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So I'm trying to find the Globals determining how much you get from, eg. Lockpicking, Crafting, Killing, etc...


But all I can currently find is the XP Reward for disarming traps. Does anyone know more?

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Hit the Gameplay/Settings list with XP:

iXP0   = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fLockpickXPRewardEasy") as Int
iXP25  = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fLockpickXPRewardEasy")  as Int
iXP50  = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fLockpickXPRewardAverage")  as Int
iXP75  = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fLockpickXPRewardHard")  as Int
iXP100 = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fLockpickXPRewardVeryHard")  as Int
iXPeasy = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fAVDCharismaXPEasy") as Int
iXPmed = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fAVDCharismaXPMedium") as Int
iXPhard = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fAVDCharismaXPHard") as Int
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Aha, thank you


Edit: Have you btw. tried altering the Settings with scripts and does it work?

I know that there's SetGameSettingFloat, but I just want to make sure there are no long term issues.


Btw. if anything I will at least store the original settings as GlobalVars to get them back later

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