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  1. When importing, exporting a settlement, the icon of the current status of the ongoing process is not displayed. What should I do to see the icon with the status of import, export during the process. Straka2
  2. Good day, Thank you very much for your suggestion to solve this problem. That it may be something else does not help me very much. It is always due to the fact that I have consistently replaced all files from the new f4se assembly and the problem has been repeated. Although I read for such problems and database files can, so I can not in the Data folder remained only ba2 files and they did not have esp, which would introduce them into the game and could cause a problem. I do not know, I am not an expert on these things and I use normal logical judgment. I have dealt with the analysis of processes and phenomena professionally throughout my working life and this conclusion came to me. So I do not know it is true that I can be wrong and the truth is somewhere else. I do not claim to be infallible, I am not used to it and I like to discuss the problem with young and old pensioners like me. And if you mean a true MO2 manager then I have a big problem with that - I don't speak English and all the guides spoken and recorded in English. Although I can play translated subtitles, but at that speed it is difficult to track the speaker and what he is talking about. That is why I did not understand it even with the greatest effort. It's hard to do something if you don't know what he's doing and how to do it. It was different with Vortex. From the beginning he gave instructions on the website and I use Google web translator to translate the website. Translation with them as you have the opportunity to see is very far from perfect, but one can understand from context what the author means. So I learned how to use Vortex to work with fashion and I think quite well, although I like him, I know how to work with them what I can't say about MO2 in my case.
  3. Basically, this problem is not so much about popularity as it is about mode compatibility. The latest test version of Vortex already takes into account the incompatibility of modes. The problem with the solution is that it can be any of the modes that has an error. For me personally, this problem was caused by the mod (Ada Humen), after removing it, everything was fine. You can find out by switching off the modes individually. I know it's tedious but I have more than 340 of those modes. So I know what kind of work it is. I finished it a few minutes ago and found another problem. That's life.
  4. Hello ladies and gentlemen. In solving the problem below, I found that the Fallout 4 (F4SE) script extension in both 0.6.21 and 0.6.20 is probably a compilation error. How did I come to this conclusion? I wanted to send the player to sleep, I led him to the bed and pressed "E" and instead of going to sleep the game fell, not the OS but only the game. It was the same with the wait command. I assumed it was caused by some mode, but it wasn't. I gradually removed all modes, including CC and Bethesda, until I had your f4se and vanilla game without mods. I started the game via the f4se launcher and the situation repeated itself - the game fell. Then I removed the f4se extension. When I subsequently started the vanilla game and repeated the same procedure, the player went to bed and the game continued without falling. I note that all actions were performed on the same save of the game in order to maintain the same conditions for all attempts. So based on that, I came to the conclusion that the problem is in the f4se Extension. Please if you know the creators of this extension will let me know the contact because the email addresses listed on their website do not exist are just for closing my eyes, I tried it. But I still got the message that the email doesn't exist. Respectively, if you are in contact with the authors of f4se, please inform them about the problem. It would be appropriate to solve this.
  5. Ahoj dámy a páni. Po nejakom čase vás chcem znova požiadať o pomoc pri riešení problému s programom Fallout 4. Naposledy som ho hral v roku 2019. Potom som zaútočil na počítač Ramsomwer a zničil takmer všetky súbory a operačný systém. Po zotavení hrám Skyrim SE a do Fallout 4 som sa vrátil až teraz. Nielenže som mal problémy s režimami, ktoré sa zmenili, zmizli, odstránili alebo zmenili meno, ale bol tu aj jeden s reštartovaním všetkých úloh resetovaním všetkých režimov, ako je spustenie novej hry. Takže keď načítam uloženú hru, zostávam na mieste, kde som skončil, ale nahý bez zbrane bez spoločníkov bez toho, aby som urobil alebo postavil počas predchádzajúcej hry. Zanechal som iba vanilkové zbrane, ktoré som zozbieral od odporcov a streliva. Zistíte, že takto nemôžete hrať. Pokúsil som sa vypnúť všetky režimy a postupne ich zapnúť, ale nemá to žiadny účinok, pretože ak načítate uloženú hru, vynuluje sa a nenačítate ju ako čistú, aj keď polohu znova neuložíte. Hra si nejako pamätá a nedovolí vám načítať ju inak ako s resetom. Nie som ďaleko od odmietnutia hry, ale nechcel by som to urobiť. S hrou som strávil veľa pekných chvíľ. Preto vás žiadam o pomoc. Používam 344 režimov, ale mám tiež dobre vybavený počítač s vodou chladený, ktorý nemá problém chytiť ešte viac. Ale nemôžem sa tým vysporiadať. Ak niekto vie, ktorý režim je možné resetovať takhle, dajte mi vedieť. Vopred ďakujem. Hra si nejako pamätá a nedovolí vám načítať ju inak ako s resetom. Nie som ďaleko od odmietnutia hry, ale nechcel by som to urobiť. S hrou som strávil veľa pekných chvíľ. Preto vás žiadam o pomoc. Používam 344 režimov, ale mám tiež dobre vybavený počítač s vodou chladený, ktorý nemá problém chytiť ešte viac. Ale nemôžem sa tým vysporiadať. Ak niekto vie, ktorý režim je možné resetovať takhle, dajte mi vedieť. Vopred ďakujem. Hra si nejako pamätá a nedovolí vám načítať ju inak ako s resetom. Nie som ďaleko od odmietnutia hry, ale nechcel by som to urobiť. S hrou som strávil veľa pekných chvíľ. Preto vás žiadam o pomoc. Používam 344 režimov, ale mám tiež dobre vybavený počítač s vodou chladený, ktorý nemá problém chytiť ešte viac. Ale nemôžem sa tým vysporiadať. Ak niekto vie, ktorý režim je možné resetovať takhle, dajte mi vedieť. Vopred ďakujem. Prosím, zdôvodnite chyby v texte, ktorý nehovorím po anglicky a používam prekladateľ.
  6. Thank you very much for your answer. I wrote in the introduction that the author of the add-on ended up in modernity and deleted everything from Nexus. It was then that I had an infected computer and I did not manage to download this mode again.
  7. Thank you very much for the answer, but I have this mode. I need to go to bed add on mode, which also allows companions to sleep while the player is sleeping and not to stand at bed all the time.
  8. Thank you very much for the answer, but I have this mode. I need to "go to bed add on" mode, which also allows companions to sleep while the player is sleeping and not to stand at bed all the time.
  9. Please help. I have a great request if you have a mod for Sky rim SE "Go to bed add on" and were so kind to send it to me at [email protected] I would be very grateful. At the time of the creator - moder of this mode, I was attacked by a my PC ramsomver and encoded all files including modes. There is no public way to decode this ramsomver. Thank you in advance.
  10. Please help. I have a great request if you have a mod for Sky rim SE "Go to bed add on" and were so kind to send it to me at [email protected] I would be very grateful. At the time of the creator - moder of this mode, I was attacked by a PC ramsomver and encoded all files including modes. There is no public way to decode this ramsomver. Thank you in advance.
  11. Sorry, no. I still have not met this expression.
  12. I did not use the Blue Workshop once in any game. Only the original.
  13. Please help. From the workshop menu, I missed (not showing) the entire "Resources" section. How do I fix it? It's unpleasant, I have no food, no water and everything related to it. Thank you in advance.
  14. Pošlite mi e-mail na [email protected] a pošlem vám dodatok more scan NMM.
  15. Thank you for your advice but it does not work. I did it according to your instructions, looked at the video, set it, subory su in places but it not worked.
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