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About Predence00

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  1. I would guess something like FNIS and PCEA would be needed to get only certain npcs to use it. But, I don't do any animation so I can't really tell you how easy it is. But, if it is made it has to be called the Elder Strolls.
  2. In a house mod I made, I have a script attached to a sign that when you choose to pay 5000 gold you get the deed and it should enable the various workbenches used to build the house. But for some people they are stating that this sign will take the 5000 gold and give the deed but will not enable the workbench or it will not do anything but take 5000 gold. Any reason for this? Script: ObjectReference Property ObjectEnabled auto Message Property SteadingMenuMessage auto LeveledItem Property DeedGuideLeveledList auto MiscObject Property Gold auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) SteadingBuyMenu() EndEvent Function SteadingBuyMenu(int MsgButton = 0) MsgButton = SteadingMenuMessage.Show() If MsgButton == 0 Game.FadeOutGame(false, true, 2.0, 2.0) ObjectEnabled.enable() Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(DeedGuideLeveledList, 1, false) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold, 5000,false) ElseIf MsgButton == 1 EndIf EndFunction I have tested this multiple times with multiple different mods but can't recreate the issue.
  3. For adding vanilla dialogue adding the right factions to your Npcs usually takes care of that. For example, adding the isguard faction and whiterun guard dialogue faction will give them the matching lines. For patrols and ai packages this tutorial should cover that pretty well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbs1pGzpK4U&list=PLiPgFWIHsr8WfQPFGvPmhcbpbr44ZCr_b&index=13
  4. Probably, take a look at the Creation Kit wiki tutorial to make a follower. Might have to mess with dialogue to get the options to follow, wait, and disband show up.
  5. Well from personal opinion, I like Darkfox127 because of his various tutorials based on scripting.
  6. TL;DR: Yes. There are 2 functions to my knowledge that allow you to modify LeveledLists. AddForm: Usage: Used to add an item to a LeveledList Syntax: AddForm(Form apForm, int auiLevel, int auiCount) or in english, AddForm(Item to Add, Level it shows up in said list, Number of item added) Example: Scriptname Bananagram Extends LeveledItem MiscItem Property Bananagram LeveledItem Property LLI_Loot_Food_Rare auto Event OnInit() ;Adds 1 Misc Item. Bananagram, to the LeveledList, LLI_Loot_Food_Rare, at level 21 ;Syntax: AddForm(Form apForm, int auiLevel, int auiCount) LLI_Loot_Food_Rare.Addform(Bananagram, 21, 1) EndEvent Revert: Usage: To remove all script added items from a list Syntax: Revert() Example: Scriptname BananagramRemoval Extends LeveledItem LeveledItem Property LLI_Loot_Food_Rare auto Event OnInit() ;Removes all items added by script to the leveled list ;Syntax: Revert() LLI_Loot_Food_Rare.Revert() EndEvent Source: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=LeveledItem_Script Edit: Add Source
  7. So I have been trying to make a save game holotape to learn papyrus with and I have the holotape able to remove the itself after use but it does not save the game. Terminal Code Fragment: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment Scriptname Fragments:Terminals:TERM__PredenceCompendium_Sur_01000F99 Extends Terminal Hidden Const ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_01 Function Fragment_Terminal_01(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE Game.RequestSave() Game.RequestAutosave() Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(SaveTape, 1, true) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Holotape Property SaveTape Auto Const I had both forms of request save there to see if it could do either and it does neither, so I have no clue what is preventing this from saving the game.
  8. Take a look at thing like max recoil degree and something cone to adjust spread. Iron sights multiplier will make it more accurate when aiming and whatnot. Those should be what you are looking for.
  9. That already happens. Are you looking for tracers?
  10. Someone would have to remake it themself. Because using the music from the original game is not allowed.
  11. If it still isn't working I would check the keyword maps. Look for the 50cal PLAYER sounds under the Keyword Mapping section under audio. The keywords associated in there should match exactly to the ones you have on the shotgun.
  12. You might need to add those mods to the object template on the actual weapon itself. So the weapon knows what mod(el) to add. The button should be right next to the name for the weapon at the top of the editing box. Edit/Source: Had to do this for a brand new weapon in an update to one of my mods.
  13. Honestly, I am unsure why this would happen, most likely a process is using (or thinks it is using the .esp). Do you have the game open and/or multiple instances of the Ck running? Also have you been making sure when you load your file into the CK you are making it the active file, that might explain why you can only save new .esps? If not, I'd try restarting your computer and trying to edit them again. Also, I would also look through some of the plugin mergers out there and see how those work.
  14. I don't think you can add an idle sound to an armor. If you can, that should be simple, just make a new sound descriptor with the proper keywords and add those keywords to the mask. If not, you could make a script that runs while the player has the mask equipped that plays the sound but, A constantly running and looping script could cause issues (of which I'm uncertain, but some dirty edits to have looping scripts could cause issues). I'd check the Skyrim CK papyrus section and the dangerous mods list(s) to see what to do and don't.
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