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Nexus Mods Profile

About LadyPhoenixFireRose

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  1. I believe the patches you are looking for are at the bottom of the MMH page for it here, under additional files. Wait, sorry, my bad I looked through mine and it does seem to come with the plugin itself... Well, NOM 300 download.
  2. I have been having issues with a couple of mods, both had errors popping up at me about Ald Redaynia, and then boot me from the game. The mods are Vampire Embrace and Multiple Teleport Marking. For Vampire Embrace the precise error I get is: Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Ald Redaynia" in script emb_bringnpctotown. For MTM it is: Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Ald Redaynia" in script Teleport_getGrid_sub1. For both mods I have tried cleaning them, using them on their own, changing the load order, reinstalling them, but still I have not been able to get them to work. Though, for VE I was able to eventually use it by piling a multitude of other mods on top, but I don't think that is really that best idea to go with, especially as I want to reuse it without all those other mods. I have not actually done anything to the mods themselves. For VE it is a fresh download from the internet, MTM is actually an old one that I had stored on a disk, but it used to work. Does anyone have any idea what is up with this? What's causing it? And how I can fix it?
  3. Okay, I am working on my making my first mod(s), but in usage of one of them I found that I had accidentally moved a room. The interior of Pelagiad Fort to be precise. Now this doesn't seem to be much of an issue for Vanilla Morrowind, but any mods that add things to the room adds it to the empty space outside of the room. Which is actually how I discovered this issue. What I would like to know is there any kind of fix for this? As it is I am completely restarting that mod, but it was kind of jumbled anyway and restarting it allows me to fix that without as much hassle as trying to reorder everything would be. The thing is, I think that I might have also done this in the other mod I am working on. Which is a lot more complex than that one, it's also bigger. So I really don't want to have to restart it. So my question is, is there anyway I can change this without having to restart my mods? p.s. I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, I wasn't entirely certain where I should ask.
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