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About GarrusTheLoneWolf

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  1. Not sure how to make it with batch files, but in Perkus Maximus is a necromancer tree which allows you to use bones of your enemies to spawn skelleton minions. And build an army of them. It is pretty fun to lead an undead horde of skeletons as an all-powerfull warlock or lich. But Perma is really complex game overhaul changing pretty much everything you can think of and it needs to generate compatibility patch for the rest of your load order. It is a great mode, and you can instal only changes for mage trees so the rest of your game will by mostly unaffected. But its probably not the best solution to install massive overhaul just for one feature. I just wanted to let you know that it might be an option to consider.
  2. Have you tried Inigo? Not recently released, but it is one of the best follower mod there is.
  3. Hmm, did you do some .ini tweaks? You sayed you play on laptop, check if your laptos isn't overheating. Is your skyrim and SKSE up to date? Are you mods up to date? Try run unmoded skyrim to see if it will crash as well. Sorry, just throwing some ideas. I have no idea what causes it. You need a real expert.
  4. Instal SKSE - which is FOSE or NVSE for Skyrim, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch - self explanatory, SkyUi - because console menus on pc are ugly as mirelurks butt, A Quality World Map - because Bethesda forgot to draw roads to map. I would recomand your first playthrou with minimum mods, so you can experience the vanila skyrim. Then start to experiment. Just browse to Top Files and pick what you like. A would also recoment Immersive Armors and Weapons because lets face it, there is never enought cool weapons and gear. And Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX for beautiful lightning and weather effects. It wont take long before you will have 200+ active mods, trust me. And be sure you know how to work with Nexus Mod manager or Mod Organiser. Have fun!
  5. Does it stop responding on one particular spot in game, or it will just stop after some time wherever you go?
  6. Maybe it is a problem with the save itself. Try some save cleaning. Like this two programs: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045
  7. Maybe one of your mods? Do you use Nexus Mod Manager, or Mod Organizer? Also did you run LOOT and tried running your load order trough Tes5Edit?
  8. I am in no way expert, but I recognize those symptoms. You are right, it is a problem with skyrim memory containers. There is a fix. I would take long to explain and I would probably make a lot of technical mistakes. Gopher made an excellent video, just follow step by step. I hope it will help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37xAMUQc1oY
  9. Sands of Time by tonycubed2. With so much time spend in the world of skyrim you know pretty much every enemy placement of major dungeons. I could probably go through some of them with my eyes closed. Sands of time randomly spawns new enemies who fits into the location (draughirs in tomb, raiders in fortress and so on). Depending on difficulty you set, you can end up fighting you way through waves of enemies and bigger rooms turns into battlefield. Also random ambushes when fast traveling and waiting, assassination attempt when sleeping and other interesting encounters. Quite the fun indeed.
  10. Welcome to modding. You will have a fine time. Firstly, please read Forum Rules here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/ it's useful to know them. Just in case. Installing and making mods work is tricky. This site has a program that will make whole process much easier and simpler. The Nexus Mod Manager. I recommend you this list of Fallout 3 tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL77ECC4B6194E1685 . And if you want to know more about Nexus Mod Manager this one https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DdGbu7-Chui4ZQuZZCGbpWl It will explain basics of installing and activating mods, as well as order in which they are supposed to be loaded to not cause troubles and many others. Its a good first step. You could start with the Top Files (up on page, button Files and in the list Top Files) on Nexus and see if something sparks you interest, or look for some "must have mods" lists on the internet a look what those mods do. You do not need to fear viruses, every mod on Nexus has come through antivirus program when was uploaded to the site. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
  11. I remember it from a news page on nexus. This one http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/news/12660 Wish all people would first watch Gopher a before trying activate mods by themselves. It saves a lot of troubles.
  12. And for Fallout 4 specificaly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAKcAEn6hLg
  13. I hve found this one. Not a bowie, but is close. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70339/?
  14. If you launch SKSE throught NMM than it should work. But if it says in top left corner "launch skyrim" not "launch SKSE" then SKSE will not load.
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