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  1. There are forms called 'Default Objects', which let's the game engine access forms used for certain hardcoded features. I can't bring up the CK at the moment to verify, but I believe there is a default object that points to the stimpack. It could explain why your stimpack (even if an identical copy) doesn't work as the standard stimpack. Unfortunately I don't know if there's a way around it :S /Sabrina
  2. GetModByName: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetModByName_-_Game Returns the index of the mod if it is loaded. :)
  3. It should be specified at the start of the function header, before "Function", or completely omitted if the function shouldn't return anything. Like this in your function: RefCollectionAlias Function GetMarkerRefCollToUse(Actor akActor)
  4. Are you missing the return type in your function declaration? In the code you pasted at least the GetMarkerRefColToUse function has no return type specified.
  5. Should you still need to, you can access your property values in conditions with the condition function called GetVMQuestVariable. Of course global variables still have the advantage of being accessible on both the left and right hand side of the expression. If you wish to access your properties you must make the script and properties "conditional". Scriptname myquest extends quest condtional int property myvalue auto conditional
  6. I have not actually tried redportals mod yet. As for m150 I have made my own patch for his robot mods that adjusts the names of parts and mods to fit more seamlessly into the game. However, I don't remember it being so bad I wouldn't use them without this patch. It's a fairly easy thing to do in fo4edit if it bothers you.
  7. Here's some more cool automatron mods :) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17732/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23832/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11459/? Your idea of robots using actual weapons sounds awesome btw.
  8. I'm not sure how it is with Fallout 4 but with Skyrim there was no need to rename the esp, only the ESM flag was relevant to the game/ck.
  9. It works perfectly, thank you so much!
  10. Hi, I'm working on a simple hotkey mod and would like to know the form which has mouse focus in either the inventory or favorites menu (havn't decided yet). I think I have found the variable I need to access in the SkyUI actionscript source, which is (I think) "inventoryLists.itemList.selectedEntry" in ItemMenu.as. I figured I could get it as an int (formid?) and then convert it to a form, but I'm not sure how to use UI.GetInt("InventoryMenu", "<what should be here?>"). Relevant source files: InventoryMenu.as ItemMenu.as - Inherited by InventoryMenu InventoryLists.as - Used by ItemMenu TabularList.as - Used by InventoryLists ScrollingList.as - Inherited by TabularList BasicList.as - Inherited by ScrollingList BSList.as - Inherited by BasicList Any help is appreciated. Thank you for your time! /Sabrina
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