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About LegallyBlindGamer727

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  1. I have those. I've already tried putting my own animations in there to try and get what I want here. I couldn't get them to work, so I figured I'd make my own and if I wanted to expand upon it I could do so without needing permissions. I wante it to also switch between two cover animations I have made, not just one. I also saw advanced cover, which is a neat idea but wouldn't totally make sense for a cis male character lol.
  2. Ok, I think I get what you did there. As for calling it, not yet. I want to figure out the best way of doing so without causing possible bloat? Like...I'm hoping the idle will stay with the globalvariable set as is. Then I'll just call it when the player equips/unequips body armor or clothing?
  3. So, I finally figured out how to make animations in Blender after months of searching and seeing that there are so few male mods in general I wanted to address that problem. I have an idea of how I want it to go but sadly am getting compilation errors from what probably is to most people an easy fix. LBG_AnimationScript.psc(31,19): int is not a known user-defined type Basically, I have a variable set up to detect if the player is wearing body armor, then have it set to one or zero based on that. Then, if the variable is true, play the idle animation constantly. Not sure if this is best way to go about it, but after looking at the CK site I couldn't get WornHasKeyword to work so I'm settling for this. Also, haven't set the gender flag because I just want to see if the animation will play at all for the moment. I want it to be a random chance of two I've made, but for now I just want to get it working. The solution is probably very simple. Scriptname LBG_AnimationScript extends Quest GlobalVariable Property LBG_Naked Auto FormList Property LBG_ArmorList Auto FormList Property LBG_ClothingList Auto Idle Property ENM_Idle1 Auto Function ArmorCheck() If Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(LBG_ArmorList) Debug.Trace("Player is wearing armor.") LBG_Naked.SetValue(0) EndIf If Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(LBG_ClothingList) Debug.Trace("Player is wearing clothes.") LBG_Naked.SetValue(0) EndIf If !Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(LBG_ArmorList) Debug.Trace("Player is NOT wearing armor.") LBG_Naked.SetValue(1) EndIf If !Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(LBG_ClothingList) Debug.Trace("Player is NOT wearing clothes.") LBG_Naked.SetValue(1) EndIf EndFunction Function NakedTest() Int NakedStatus = LBG_Naked.GetValueInt() While NakedStatus.GetValueInt(1) Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdle(ENM_Idle1) Debug.Trace("The Idle is Playing") EndWhile EndFunction
  4. Calling them during the dialog would make sense. You may need to know the following information: Accessing functions from other scripts Yep, that's where i've been looking but the examples are confusing to my small brain lol. I'm assuming I can do that in the papyrus fragment window in the dialogue screen. I'm thinking this example is the one I'd want to use since the script should be updating based on what actions the player is doing with the follower. Find an Actor's linked reference, and conditionally access the script functions on that reference: ObjectReference possibleTable1 = Actor1.GetLinkedRef() if (possibleTable1 as Furniture) == magicTable ;is the actor linked to a magicTable? magicTableScript TableScript1 = possibleTable1 as magicTableScript TableScript1.explode() ;if so, use the magicTable's script function to make the magicTable explode! endif I'm looking at https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=ObjectReference.GetLinkedRef_(Papyrus) as well since this example uses that. So making a quick test idea I think this is what I have to do? ObjectReference DanTest = Dan.GetLinkedRef() ;the refalias in quest if (DanTest as Actor) == Dan1 ;whatever i guess its setting the variable? Dan_RelationshipScript DanScript1 = DanTest as Dan_RelationshipScript ;no idea what this does;where it's confusing me DanScript1.Dan_RelTrack() EndIf
  5. Ah, that explains it. I had thought they were like regular scripts and put them in the scripts for the gift quest. If I have to call them, I assume it would be after the dialogue that is initiated after the gift is given or possibly during the scene. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Function_Reference#Examples
  6. Ok, sorry but I've tried doing different things and none seem to be working here. I want the Relationship Points when you give a gift to go up by the amount of the item you give. Like just giving one beer gives +5 but giving three beers gives +15. I think I've got that working, but when I go to test it I'm not seeing any changes. And trying to put negative values was difficult since it doesn't like the "-" operator. But honestly, the biggest issue I'm having is the Relationship Rank not going up when you hit a point threshold, which is a different script. If i would get that going this character would more or less be done. criptname Dan_RelationshipScript extends Quest GlobalVariable Property Dan_RelPoints Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_RelRank Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_CanFollower Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_CanHire Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_CanCourt Auto Int Property MaxPoints = 1000 Auto ;default max relationship points Int Property PointStep = 50 Auto ;default step to advance relationship Int PointTest = 0 Function Dan_RelTrack() Int RelPoints = Dan_RelPoints.GetValueInt() Int RelRank = Dan_RelRank.GetValueInt() While (RelPoints < MaxPoints) && (RelPoints > PointTest) If RelPoints > (PointTest + PointStep) Dan_RelRank.Mod(1) ;increases value by 1 RelPoints = 0 EndIf EndWhile EndFunction Function Dan_RelStatus() Int RelRank = Dan_RelRank.GetValueInt() if RelRank >=1 Dan_CanHire.Mod(1) Endif if RelRank >=2 Dan_CanFollower.Mod(1) Endif if RelRank >= 4 Dan_CanCourt.Mod(1) Endif EndFunction Scriptname TestGiftSystemAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias FormList Property Dan_LikedGifts Auto FormList Property Dan_LovedGifts Auto FormList Property Dan_DislikedGifts Auto FormList Property Dan_HatedGifts Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_GiftLike Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_GiftLove auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_GiftDislike Auto Globalvariable Property Dan_GiftHate auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_GiftStatus Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_RelPoints Auto Scene Property Dan_GiftStartQuestLike Auto Scene Property Dan_GiftStartQuestLove Auto Scene Property Dan_GiftStartQuestDisLike Auto Scene Property Dan_GiftStartQuestHate Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akSourceContainer == Game.GetPlayer() ; is it the player adding the item If (Dan_LikedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem)) && (Dan_GiftStatus.GetValue() != 0) Self.GetReference().RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) Dan_GiftLike.SetValue(1) Dan_RelPoints.SetValueInt(Dan_RelPoints.GetValueInt()*(aiItemCount)+1) Dan_GiftStartQuestLike.Start() EndIf If (Dan_LovedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem)) && (Dan_GiftStatus.GetValue() != 0) Self.GetReference().RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) Dan_GiftLove.SetValue(1) Dan_RelPoints.SetValueInt(Dan_RelPoints.GetValueInt()*(aiItemCount)+2) Dan_GiftStartQuestLove.Start() EndIf If (Dan_DislikedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem)) && (Dan_GiftStatus.GetValue() != 0) Self.GetReference().RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) Dan_GiftDislike.SetValue(1) Dan_RelPoints.SetValueInt(Dan_RelPoints.GetValueInt()*(aiItemCount)*(-1)) Dan_GiftStartQuestDisLike.Start() EndIf If (Dan_HatedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem)) && (Dan_GiftStatus.GetValue() != 0) Self.GetReference().RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) Dan_GiftHate.SetValue(1) Dan_RelPoints.SetValueInt(Dan_RelPoints.GetValueInt()*(aiItemCount)*(-2)) Dan_GiftStartQuestHate.Start() EndIf EndIf EndEvent
  7. Thank you. This detailed answer is more what i was looking for. I'm honestly mostly using 2k textures atm. I think i'll keep it that way.
  8. Got it. I tired looking into a couple tutorials but that was more like swapping weapons or textures than custom models. I'll see what I can do. Edit: Tried using the IronClaymore as base to copy from, but now when I go to enter the new nif into the CK it keeps crashing. Edit 2: Ok, I eventually figured it out. Not sure what I did but I just redid the process again and it seems to kind of work. It can at least load in game.
  9. Basically I never got really too into modding Skyrim graphically because my old computer was a potato. Do you think it would be a good idea to download texture mods at 2k or 4k? I've mostly been using 2k for right now but wondering if I should just go with 4k with the new rig? I know this isn't a very good question as there are a lot of mods out there but I figured people with more experience might know better. Thanks.
  10. Trying to import weapon nifs from another game using nifly since niftools does not like the weapons because of multiple UV mapping. I go into NifSkope and to my inexperienced eyes everything seems fine. I can put the texture paths and it loads, and it exports fine as far as I know. Loading it into the CK I can make it a weapon duplicating a vanilla form ID and renaming it, and it sees the textures in the model section. However, when I go in game, the weapons are invisible even though the mesh and textures works fine in the CK. It'd probably something dumb I'm doing on my end, but I can't figure it out. Net searching hasn't really gotten me anywhere so O figured I ask here. I can provide the nif if needed.
  11. I'm testing it by going into coc to warp into the cell from the main menu. Then doing the quest with a bit of cheating and warping around. So far it's not taking the item, but the quest does complete properly and I get the Gold/RelPoints reward. Now it stays in my inventory as stolen lol. HUGE EDIT: So I was able to find a way to get the gift scenes to work. as far i can tall its like 90% fine. Maybe waaay too clunky? Idk. I just set one for each gifttype then made a separate ForceGreet package for each gift type as well. Not sure why its working now. Then set the scene stop after dialogue is played and the globalvariables to be reset to 0. So far so good lol. Ok, So I'm testing out that code you gave me to increase the relationship rank. However, when the points reach the threshold, it does not go up. It just stays at zero. Doing some small fiddling to see what might work atm. I'm probably just stupid and have to call it somewhere. (https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Function_Reference#Method_One:_Setting_up_the_Target_Script_as_a_Filled_Property)
  12. NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname Dan__TIF__041B90D1 Extends TopicInfo Hidden Actor Property PlayerRef Auto GlobalVariable Property Dan_RelPoints Auto ReferenceAlias Property Dan Auto ReferenceAlias Property Dan_Gold Auto ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor ;BEGIN CODE getowningquest().setstage(40) PlayerRef.RemoveItem(Dan_Gold,1,true,Dan) Dan_RelPoints.Mod(50) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\Dan__TIF__041B90D1.psc(15,10): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?) E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\Dan__TIF__041B90D1.psc(15,10): type mismatch on parameter 4 (did you forget a cast?) I'm wondering if it's because I'm trying to use reference aliases? I've been messing with the properties a bit but I think RefAlias is what we want.
  13. Code on item itself i didnt do anything with the bandit alias yet just thought maybe i could try something later never did. Scriptname Dan_GoldQuest extends ObjectReference Quest Property Dan_Quest01 Auto ReferenceAlias Property BanditBoss Auto Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference newContainer, ObjectReference oldContainer) if (newContainer == Game.GetPlayer()) Dan_Quest01.SetObjectiveDisplayed(30) Dan_Quest01.SetStage(30) endif EndEvent Code for the end dialogue getowningquest().setstage(40) PlayerRef.RemoveItem(Dan_Gold,1,true,Dan) Dan_RelPoints.Mod(50) Everything is defined in quest aliases. I have the bottom code all set in properties yet it gives an error for the remove item. I have to go to work in the morning so I don't have time to mess with it rn.
  14. Having issues following the tutorial quest for some odd reason. The stages work, for the most part. The quest can be done up to a point. I have an item made, and a reference to it put into my so called bandit actor which has its own reference. The NPC can give the quest, but if you decline it, it won't go back to the choices after the first attempt if you speak to them again (working on that rn). However, it does not advance the quest stage when I pick it up from the dead bandit body. However it DOES when I drop the item and pick it up from the floor for some reason. I can give it back to the NPC but he technically does not take the item lol. The quest does show as completed, but the item is still in my inventory. Not sure what I am doing wrong; it follows the example more or less perfectly.
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