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About lyrker

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4
  • Favourite Game
    Silent Hill

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. I thought the game was pretty awesome with the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack but Game of Thrones...oh, man! I got a chill in Windhelm while listening to "Winter Has Come" during a snow storm. Do you have any songs or soundtracks you love to adventure to?
  2. The first one's pretty awesome! The other two are nice but the lack of color variety in the runners-up kinda makes them all look the same. I dig gold too, but it'd be neat to see more variation in future contest winners.
  3. I love the smell of Rad-X in the morning.
  4. I love how open Skyrim is. Reading about how people ducked out of the main story line and created their own Skyrim lives is a big part of why I bought it. After I figured out game-play and got the mods I liked working together, I set out to wander off the main story myself. I've played D&D for years and wanted to play a thief-bard. It's what I always play. I've tried other archetypes but I wind up stealing and sneaking anyway. I found a mod that allowed me to play instruments so I chased rumors to the Bard's College. Three levels later I was an official bard and not a shabby sneak-thief either. I'm so well-trained by D&D that I only wear lightweight armors. I prefer a bow. A dagger and short sword are what I use for close combat. I don't like to fight close can help it as I will lose against most of the bad guys I encounter. Had a comic episode where I was backing around and around a sarcophagus in circles with a draugr chasing me while I shot him at short range. A brave warrior is not me. If Skyrim's counting on me to save them, they're sadly mistaken. I run from every dragon I encounter. I'll be hiding out in the Hall of the Dead when they come. They can't fit in there. Me and my three armed orphans have stored up enough provisions and defenses to hole up for a long time. What about you? What's your Skyrim story?
  5. Grelod the Kind. She's the only NPC I've killed vindictively so far. Not because she was cruel to the children (though that gave me another reason). It's because she was rude and she refused to let me adopt kids, even though I hadn't even asked for one. She picked the fight. I finished it. And all the children celebrated.
  6. As I'm discovering the game I'm also discovering a lot of strangeness about it. Most of it has been humorous to me: Crouching into "Hidden" mode right after I blew up a turret and set half the warehouse on fire then hearing the enemy who's looking for me muttering to herself "It's just the wind." Meanwhile the whole thing's still ablaze and actively exploding. Having a dog that can open doors - and does so when I'm trying to keep them closed. Decapitating a ghoul with a baseball bat while wearing a sequined cocktail dress. But the saddest, silliest one goes to the bugs. I can sneak (in power armor, no less!) through a whole base of enemy bandits and snipe them all, most with a single shot. But two stingwings can take me out in less than two minutes. In power armor, no less. Radroaches and bloatflies have similar supernatural abilities to go straight through armor and avoid gunshots like nobody's business. I've had marginally better success fighting them off with melee weapons. So here I am, the world's biggest badass, talked about in bars, running like an ironclad chicken whenever a bug shows up.
  7. Ha! I had this happen to me. I have Holidays installed and the silence hit right at the same time as Tales and Tallows Night in-game. The description says some people would not talk that night because they believed daedra could get inside them through their mouths that night. So I didn't think about it till the next morning when nobody would talk to me except the guards. I thought the people were stuck in superstitious mode. Turns out I was just wearing the Sneak Tools hood. So glad I found this solution coz I never would've thought of the hood.
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