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About EmeraldHaze

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  1. Hello! I'm trying to prototype some ideas that involve editing vanilla FO4 scripts, but have no experience with Papyrus (only with G.E.C.K. scripting). Here is what I want to do - determine if an NPC has a certain keyword, if so - advance quest. What I've tried for script mq03questscript (green text is vanilla, blue is mine): ;FailsafeIf MQ03FirstRaiderCount.value >= MQ03FirstRaiderTotal.valueSetStage(85)Endif If (DN092_EncA_R02.HasKeyword(MyKeword))SetStage(85)EndIf EndFunction Of course, the sript doesn't want to compile. Thing is - can't wrap my head around how Papyrus works - so alien.Read articles - too little examples. If I could make this work - I can continue the prototyping that might lead to a functional mod. If you would be so kind as to guide me in the right direction - I would be very grateful!
  2. In response to post #46561905. #46563145, #46571385, #46584680 are all replies on the same post. Well, I've provided all of the information that I could to at least interest folks. If a person has further questions about the mod, they should research the mod page and ask the mod creator directly if needed. Fight your laziness !
  3. In response to post #46561905. #46563145 is also a reply to the same post. Jsawyer was the mod that Josh Sawyer made to tie loose ends and make some needed balance changes plus some bugfixes. Jsawyer Ultimate reworks that mod using NVSE, drasticly reducing the number of compatibility patches and conflicts. It's highly customizable and even adds some "quality of life" features that can be enabled if you wish. When used together with Yukichigai's Unofficial Patch, New Vegas comes the closest to vanilla, playable and bug-free. All you need after that are some essentials like NVSE, Lutana, NVAC, NVSR. There is literally no reason not to use JSawyer Ultimate. As for why I proposed to pick this mod - I've made a couple of mods for New Vegas myself and got a taste of GECK and Gamebryo. It isn't pretty or easy. What Pushthewinbutton did with Jsawyer Ultimate and his other mods, well, the man is damn hero in my opinion. I'm immensely grateful for what he did for us all, so he deserves to be commended for it.
  4. Nice survey, hope my info can help with your project. Good luck =)
  5. It seems that testing every variable and function is the only way to make sure a script works in Gamebryo.
  6. My mod is already released and is called Non-Lethal Ammo. I'm just trying to rewrite it because I'm not satisfied with my previous implementation, so if you are interested, you can open it in fnvedit and see the current mechanisms with your own eyes. The short version is - my custom ammo has an on-hit object effect, that triggers a base effect, that then triggers an effect script and runs it on the hit target. That script then applies new Base fatigue value of the target and damages it's fatigue according to the formula. If the target's fatigue drops below zero - it is then considered knocked out. To prevent targets death I currently use healing (and it's not effective, because the target can still be killed in one hit due to the fmindammultiplier, which prevents me from lowering the current weapon's damage below 20%). I've experimented with SetEssential, but it didn't work for me, NPCs refused to become essential plus it's not very useful in my case as the NPC can still be killed by the first shot fired that was meant to interact with it and set it to essential (maybe I should try it some more). As for how I want to do it in the next version - while the player is using non-lethal ammo (which is detected easily) i change fmindammultiplier from 0.2 to 0.0001 which ensures that it is impossible to kill anything with it. I then simulate all other damage dealt by NPCs (except current active followers) that is lower than target's DT using an on-hit event handler, so they can still damage each other and the player. The main issue that remains is to ensure that current followers also use non-lethal ammo from their inventory even if they have other ammo types present there. Your idea with teleporting all other ammo types for their current weapon to a container sounds good (if done only when the follower is in combat). I'll try it out the next chance I'll have some time, thanks man.
  7. Hm, While the first two functions that you posted are, most likely, not applicable, the third one looks promising, I'll have to tinker with it for sure. About taking away the ammo - yeah, I thought about that: basicly as the follower is using their lethal ammo I can nullify the damage they are dealing, restore their lethal ammo and take away their non-lethal ammo on a per-shot basis. But that will be some impressive juggling to pull off, a last resort. I'll still try to find an easier way of actually forcing a follower to use applicable ammo. Anyway, thanks for the input, greatly appreciated.
  8. Ah, that's most likely true, then I must clarify my questions: of all NPC's I only care about the followers that the player currently has. And they do seem to use the ammo you give them. I just need to ensure they are using the right ammo for the job - if the player has non-lethal ammo equipped (this fact I can already detect using Player.GetPlayerCurrentAmmo) hired followers must switch to non-lethal ammo too, if it's in their inventory alongside normal ammo. And it's this part of making them equip the ammo - I just don't know how to do that. Hope this helps.
  9. Greetings. I'm at an impasse right now. See, I've finally devised a scheme to make the ammo from my mod completely non-lethal (an that's quite the task, because the game resists you shooting at NPCs and not killing them at every possible opportunity), so you literally CAN'T kill NPCs (finally). But to make other parts of the mod to work, I still have to implement a script that will ensure that current followers will equip and use non-lethal ammo together with player. As far as I know there isn't a direct way to find out what ammo an NPC has equipped or is firing. So my question is this: is there a way to find out what ammo an NPC has loaded/is currently firing, and more importantly - is there a way to give an NPC a command to switch to another ammo-type ? All feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
  10. Yeah, very well may be. I use a heavy enough load order of about 90 plugins. Granted, most of them are bug-fixes and ease of life stuff plus scripted to boot, but conflicts creep in with scripted mods too. Or maybe it's just our old "pal" Gamebryo being a "solid" engine that it is =)
  11. Thanks for your input. Unfortunately, changing item health value didn't help. In fact, I'm trying to inject my custom ammo into vanilla existing leveled lists, and all the vanilla ammo inside them has 0% health too. What I'm currently doing is just adding my custom ammo inside vanilla lists in the same amount as vanilla ammo that is already added there. Still, when I buy 20 Custom Energy Cells I get 3 in my inventory, when I buy 20 Custom .223 rounds - I get 11, so no consistency there. I've seen ammo added into lists with fancy NVSE functions, but that just simplifies scripts and makes them less laborous to edit, so my approach should work the same way, yet it doesn't. Oh well, just going to try to make my script to work as intended for a while longer before resorting to other methods. Well, no matter what I tried, my custom ammo would not integrate properly into vanilla leveled lists through scripts. Maybe there is a way using NVSE functions, but I don't have the time or motivation to figure it out. Instead i decided to use ammo boxes, wich I integrated into vanilla lists without any problems. When a player buys one - a bunch of ammo gets added to his inventory. Clean and simple, case closed.
  12. Greetings fellow mod-makers. I'm currently working on a mod that will add a new type of custom ammo to the game. While crafting and form lists are done with, I've hit a bump with leveled lists and can't progress forward. My goal is to add new ammo to leveled lists (so they would appear for sale and as loot) using a quest script for maximum compatibility (an in-development version of the script is presented below): When I check a leveled list with dumplevlist it indicates that my ammo was added to the list and appears alongside standard ammo in the same quantities in the dump. The ammo is for sale from 2 separate vendors, but the problem is, when I try to buy some of my custom ammo from a vendor, the game puts less ammo in my inventory than it should. Example - I'm buying 25 custom rounds, all 25 rounds are gone from merchant's inventory, but only 8 spawned in my inventory. I guess I'm not seeing the whole picture here as I'm not very experienced and could not find any info on this. I would be very grateful if someone could chime in with a suggestion as to what may be my oversight in this case.
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