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About TobiaszPL

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  1. Hi Arturo... lol TL:DR :D srsl tl:dr i just came to say hi :D If You want to make Exterior and Interior have same lightning it will be hard but can be done however i already wrote 5 posts on Nexus and i want to back to my Work... also im lazy :D Bestpick is to create as much simple Weather Set same ambient and direct lighting for both Exteriors and Interiors - but don't make it NULL Lightning :tongue: then You can use Scripts to control ImageSpaces and Lights for example... there was something like... "ApplyCrossFade" or something like this im too lazy to find it for You, use Google: " Skyrim CreationKit Papyrus ApplyCrossFade" but in my opinion Vanilla Lightning is waste of time... You will never do as good work using CK as ENB can do You could also just instead of Interiors create second Exterior world Thats how i made many of my Caves in NightWorld Mod Only one Mod i have after NightWorld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JWAndMdsQU Instead of using Interiors You can create second Exterior and use it as Interiors remember to keep at least 5 grid cells distance ( default grid to load in game ) However some ppl like me load for example 9 Grids instead of 5 it brings some more lags but also brings better LOD ( because you have longer draw distance and load distance ) so in my opinion its fine to build one interior in distance of 15 grids cells ( Grids you can show under B ) If You dont want ppl to escape your "Interior Exterior world" use TopBar in CK: World -> Regions and create Region for EACH INTERIOR You create in Regions You can also pick DIFFERENT music for EACH Interior in Exterior :smile: Also You can pick different Weather and Imagespace... Ye in short all You need is: - Exterior World for Interiors - Region for each Interior in your Exterior World - Many Scripts ( 1 Cardinal nad 3 control scripts :o ) ye but Cardianl Script is my own idea :D woo already write so much xD //Edit: if You create Regions You can create borders like in Skyrim if You come too close to World border You will see message "You can't go that way" or something like this :) so it will also help with trolls and cheaters :D Im not sure but You can't even cross this border with TLC command... but im not sure :x...
  2. Maybe more info?... like: " Hey guys im crafting sword worth 581929659 gold coins and this sword make my skill from 10 to 100 at once " What have You edit / add to Smithing?... maybe u gave player extra exp modifier... Right now what we know: - Your smithing skill progress is too fast, we don't know when and what u were doing - You have did something with smithing and combat skills... its like, " Hey anyone know why my BMP Loader Class don't work for some BMP files?, last time i create new Particle Class for my Engine" And its real question, and real info... and in Your Style :P Srsl, idk why but some BMP Images load fine but other load with little offset :c... and weird because once i change some pixels it works fine again :x... so its related with graphics in image not with header or something xD at least i think so :c...
  3. You have Leveled Item "LootImperialLuck" In this Leveled Item you have few golds that have 0% chance to show in inventory but % is based on GlobalVariable which can be change by anything - Script - Spell - Perk just anything "LootImperialLuck" is item used by 125 objects in Vanilla Game objects like, chests, dead bodies etc. GlobalVariable: -> ImperialLuck LeveledItem: -> LootImperialLuck //Edit: If You open this Global Variable in Your CK You may saw that value is 100 does that mean that You have 100% chance for loot ?... No... its chance to NOT have loot... 100% = Not to have 0% = to have set value to 70 to have 70% = Not to have extra loot 30% = to have extra loot etc.
  4. bonjour... je suis Tobi lol !... French user :o C'est Interessant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IdObC-agcs&t=17s If You have problem with Cell Window You can just delete SkyrimEditor.ini SkyrimEditorPref.ini it should help u :D Or You can do this: #include <windows.h> int main() { HWND Window = FindWindowA( "Cell View", NULL ); If( Window == NULL )Beep(500,500); MoveWindow( Window, 50,50, 500,500, true ); } You can Compile it with any C++ Compiler :D xDDDDDDDDDDDD Ye im working on 1360 x 768 Screen so sometimes i use such things :D for example WaterType window is too big for me :smile: Good Luck and Adieu :smile: //Edit: and thats real code xD Moving windows is that simpe ;D MoveWindow Function Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-movewindow FindWindow Function Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-findwindowa Just change Window name You look for :D MoveWindow arguments are as following: - Window - X Position - Y Position - X Size - Y Size - true / false last is not important, its callback message, window procedure for windows windows <-- ye... good name windows every window have its own procedure, if last argument is true then function will send message to procedure to repaint window idk why im even explaining it :D
  5. Hey its me again :o Tobi !... Yes im Tobi :o !... I just want to ask You about opinion maybe You will find something to Fix some Bugs etc. this single one script handle whole TheRadio Mod so if You want You can look at this and as i said... maybe You find something to Fix... Scriptname QLG_MasterScript_TheRadio extends ObjectReference { This is Main Radio Script for [Tobi] TheRadio Mod !... } ;===- Base Info. -===; ;Created: 2019-07-19 ;Update: 2019-11-23 ;Author: TobiPL ;Unit: M.PC<1> ;===- Var. setup -============================================ ;***=-- Music List --=***; FormList Property QMusics Auto { List of Music Tracks } ;***=-- FormLists --=***; FormList Property FunList Auto { List of Fun Messages } ;***=-- Messages! --=***; Message Property QMainMSG Auto { Maing Message to SHow } ;***=- Simple Var. -=***; Int Playing = -1 ; Is any musing playing? -1 Means :NO: - other values for ID ;===============================================; ;===- Main Script -=============================; ;***********************************************; Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef ) ; Show Fun Message if Enabled If( FunMSG ) If( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 3 ) > 1 ) ( FunList.GetAt( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , FunList.GetSize() ) ) as Message ).show() EndIf EndIf ; Show Main Menu While( true ) int Ret = QMainMSG.Show() If( Ret == 0 ) Debug.Notification( "Noo, Come Back!..." ) Return ;===================; ElseIf( Ret == 1 ) QPlayMenu() ;===================; ElseIf( Ret == 2 ) QSettingsMenu() ;===================; EndIf EndWhile EndEvent ;== Message Property QPlayMSG Auto { Menu Message to Show } Function QPlayMenu() While( true ) Int Ret = QPlayMSG.Show() If( Ret == 0 ) ; Player press Exit, Back to MainMenu Return ElseIf( Ret == 1 ) ; Stop playing Music If( Playing >= 0 ) ( ( QMusics.GetAt( Order ) as FormList ).GetAt( Playing ) as MusicType ).Remove() Playing = -1 EndIf Else QPlay( Ret - 2 ) EndIf EndWhile EndFunction Message Property QError_PlayMusic Auto { Error To show if player want to Play music but there is already playing one } Function QPlay( int ID ) If( Playing == -1 ) ( ( QMusics.GetAt( Order ) as FormList ).GetAt( ID ) as MusicType ).Add() Playing = ID Return Else If( ErrorMSG ) QError_PlayMusic.Show() Else Debug.Notification( "There is already playing music !..." ) EndIf EndIf EndFunction FormList Property QSettings Auto { List of Messages for Settings } ;***=- Settings -=***; Int FunMSG = 1 ; Should show Fun Messages? Int ErrorMSG = 0 ; Should show Error Messages? Int Order = 0 ; Should play in Order or Random? ( 0 = Random // 1 = Order ) Function QSettingsMenu() While( true ) Int Ret = ( QSettings.GetAt( ( FunMSG + ( ( ErrorMSG * 2 ) + ( Order * 4 ) ) ) ) as Message ).Show( FunMSG , ErrorMSG , Order ) If( Ret == 0 ) Return ; Player Want to change Fun Messages at start of Menu ElseIf( Ret == 1 ) If( FunMSG == 1 ) FunMSG = 0 Else FunMSG = 1 EndIf ; Player Want to Change Error Messages ( 0 = Notification // 1 = Boxes ) ElseIf( Ret == 2 ) If( ErrorMSG == 1 ) ErrorMSG = 0 Else ErrorMSG = 1 EndIf ; Player Wan to Change order ( 0 = Random // 1 = Order ) ElseIf( Ret == 3 ) If( Order == 1 ) Order = 0 Else Order = 1 EndIf EndIf EndWhile EndFunction ; The End
  6. Ye Ty Arturo that is what i know i can do but i don't want to do it... Its too big Lag Generator and too much to do xD Ok fk it... player will have to open Computer and Check his money in computer via MessageBox :D
  7. Hey... i want to Edit my old Worker Empire Builder for Braverock and create new Version in Sausan But here i have some problems... Sausan is not Using Septims but ChipCoins ChipCoins are in ChipBank and You can pay only using Credit Cards - no money in inventory Rigth now player can use his Computer to see his money in Bank... *Yes it works on MessageBoxes* but for Worker Empire Builder in Sausan i want to create some Number Displayers 1 -> Shows How much Your company is worth *You can sell Your company to get Prestige Points* 2 -> Shows How much Your company have money 3 -> Shows How much money You lose / week to pay Your workers etc. 4 -> Shows How much money You earn / week I want big Screen in BOSS Office... where You will have those 4 numbers updated at least once per 5 sec Any1 know how i can do something like this?... i know i can do something like: Number01_digit01_value01.enable() Number01_digit01_value00.disable() etc. its actually pretty easy but... well... 10 values * 14 digits * 4 numbers gives 560 objects to place only for those 4 Number Display Screens...
  8. Hello I'm Tobi... Can i activate object by Dialogue Script?... Something like: Object.Activate( self ); Not working: GetOwningQuest().GetAlias().Activate( self ) casting to ObjectReference not working too... For normal Scripts it works but for Scripts in Dialogue it dont... You know im bad with Quests so plz explain it like for stupid kid :D Hi Red, Hi Arturo :P lel...
  9. Hello :o I'm Tobi !... xD lol... Can i change somehow... bff... I want NPC to Attack player if player is not wearing this Faction Outfit... Yes i know i can do it via script with this add Faction or something xD at least i have one idea... But its first time i will try something like this so i want to ask your opinion :D For example we have... Bandits and Guards if player wear Bandits outfit then Guards attack player but Bantids dont but if player wear Guards armor then Bandits attack player but Guards dont :D i know i can use Even OnEquip and try to do something with add to faction / remove but maybe there is better way to do it than creating and adding script to every single armor / outfit xD
  10. CreationKit?... ( its not a mod but its much better than mods xDDD ) PocketEmpireBuilder?... ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30948 ) - PEB is rly PLEB xD xDDDDDD lol :D but u can build Castle with this pleb :P
  11. xD Old and funny BUG in CK Egh... hard to exaplain why this happen but... hmm i should not help Nexus but try to Smooth Land use LandScape editor and Smooth land around this "Break" it should help :tongue: Land break on border is common :tongue: What u will say about my Corner Break :tongue: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/729480 Try Smooth and tell me it work or not... but not here cause im not gonna answer u here xD im not using this forum any more :x.. lel... at least not all time xD Discord: https://discord.gg/2Vh6NVc //Edit: Some tips from me while u Edit Landscape :P 1) Press this button on left from "Save" button 2) go to "Misc" and change "Grids To Load" to for example 20 / 30 / 40 3) Press "0" - NUM or DEFAULT to enter Orthographics mode :P Its much more easy to edit land in Orthographics :)... You can also increase Camera speed in Orthographics ( its already faster but i also recomend u to speed it up ) and ofc. You can switch Landspace editor with R its much better to use Draw Mode while u edit Land ( and then ofc. fix everything with Smoots and Drag/Move ) If You will have some problems with Orthographics View Mode ( some objects invisible ) 1) Create any Static object 2) Edit it, and in menu move it very very high :P ( like 4 example 40.000 units ) 3) Press T to move camera 4) enter Orthographics Mode :P everything should be fine xD lol xD i waste so much time here xDDD anyway today i was waiting for Game to Load and i didnt press "Play" xD and i was waitnig xD OMFG
  12. Hello, I'm Tobi... My english is bad :smile:... I'm working on something new... i have abandon my last project -> Braverock 3 But one day maybe i will continue Braverock 3 At this moment im working on Sausan Hotel... History of Sausan is pretty long... before Sausan it was Black Town and it still is Black but now in new shape I Already have little help from Melodic and Halo's but here is something i can't do alone and i don't want to ask Melodic for too much and with Halo's contact is hard :x... I'm already using Melodic Outfits ( ofc. with his permission :3 ) - wow Tobi and Permissions - first time xD So im looking for someone who can make Weapon Meshes and Texutres Sausan Hotel Mod: World was taken by Powerful Corporation, they stole all water, and by this they rule the world... Magic is long time forgotten, but some illegal mages still use it... Everything is destroyed, ppl live like animals without roof, without water, without food World is one big desert... Sausan Desert... The only Water belong to Loregan Corporation, rebellions try to attack Loregan Trains and Trucks to get water for poor ppl, but Loregan have much stronger Technology. Player can choice, live rich, or help poor... I'm not gonna upload Images here, because i can't and Sausan is still in pretty early WIP If You want to see Sausan You can download it from my Discord: https://discord.gg/2Vh6NVc You can also join me on Discord Keep in mind that Discord have OLD version, but there is one image from new version of Sausan If any1 can create for me at least 3 weapons i will add you to credits and you will also have Room in Sausan Room in Sausan?... what is does mean?... Sausan Hotel is place for Rich and Vip PPL thats mean ONLY for GAME AUTHORS or MODDERS Floor 12 Room 144: ( Tobi ) - me Floor 12 Room 143: ( Sahurows ) - he make Follower Mods Floor 12 Room 142: ( Baka Factory ) - he create SexLab Mods and also nice Body Mods Floor 12 Room 141: ( Halo's ) - he create Aether Suite and many many more mods - Black Town use Aether Floor 12 Room 140: ( Todd Howard ) - well... you have to know him... thanks to Todd - everything just works Floor 12 Room 139: ( FREE ) - but probably for Dint999 //Edit: { I should find Room for Melodic xD but he didn't send me his Desktop SS and it is required :c... Without Desktop SS i can't create his room :/// well i can but without his Computer xD... } What beign in Sausan also Means ?... - Every Mod Author have his own NPC in Sausan so ppl can talk to Mod Author Avatar - Every Mod Author may have his own Add so ppl can see best Mod Authors on The World :smile:... To Join Sausan you have to: 1) Be Mod Author 2) Send Your Desktop SS ( for Your computer in Sausan ) - Baka send 3, so he got 3 screens ^_^ 3) Support somehow Sausan Hotel Like i said im looking for someone who ALREADY create or CAN CREATE weapons for Sausan it would be also nice if You can split created weapons to Parts so i can make more epic Crafting :smile:... Sausan is looking ONLY for MODERN WEAPONS like - Guns, Knifes, Bows Discord once again: https://discord.gg/2Vh6NVc
  13. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=StartCombat_-_Actor ActorOne.StartCombat( ActorTwo );
  14. Thats what i wanted to suggest You :x... But how about little upgrade?... Event OnInit() GoToState( "Wait" ) EndEvent State Wait Event OnHit( ObjectReference QArg, Form QSrc, Projectile QPrc, bool A, bool B, bool C, bool D) If( QSrc.hasKeyword( MagicRestoreHealth )) GoToState( "Done" ) Else EndEvent EndState State Done ; Empty State EndState ; The EndWithout States you will SET STAGE every time player cast Healing Spell on Your NPC :x... You could also add another IF to check if stage is for example 10 - otherwise player can jump from stage 0 to 20 skiping everything before //Edit: and ofc. getOwningQuest().setStage(20) xDDDD
  15. Can you explain what You want to do?... Step by step?... Why would you want to move this tirggerbox?... You want to create something like "Craftable Cooking Station" ?... 1) Create empty cell 2) Create Sweetroll and give it MasterScript to handle this 3) Create spell or whatever you want to use to spawn Cooking pot 4) Using spell communicate with Sweetroll you can use <Target>.Activate( <User> ) example: Cook.Activate( self ); You can also use Keywords to decide what you want from "Cook" Reference "Cook" reference handle everything and only recive messages from world Event OnActivate( ObjectReference Qref ) if( QRef == ValidRef ) if( QRef.haskeyword( spawn_cooking_pot ) SpawnPotOnPlayer() else if ( ... ) ... EndIf EndEvent in short... but im still not sure what you want to do... if you could explain what exacly you want to do i could help u more... Look at this vide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpb1LYRub54 if You need something from it here are scripts: keep in mind that my english is pretty potato If you want you can download my .esp from discord too see how everything is setted explain what you want to do in easy english so i can help you :x... right now all i know is that you want to move trigger between cells https://discord.gg/2Vh6NVc
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