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  1. Firstly, thanks for your help. Yes, I am using the latest script merger (v5.1). It's solved all the conflicts (including 2 xml conflicts) so its showing none right now. Yes, I checked all my mods are 1.10 compatible. I installed them 1 by 1 after I updated to 1.10 (verifying files after the update as well), and they all work. Some texture replacer mods were not updated to 1.10 but they don't need to be as I understand. They still all work for me. The skip movies mod is a new one, not the old one I'm sure you're thinking about. It's this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/358/? I'll try disabling it though and see if it helps. Oh, I asked this question in another place and one person did tell me there was a soft limit of around 50. Not sure if he's right but if say you have 70 mods, it must be something else. Or perhaps it depends on the type of mods you install.
  2. I am using script merger, no conflicts according to that. I have tried moving different mods in and out and its whenever I hit the 48 mark, I can't load my save. It's really strange. Only mod Im using related to the main menu screen is one that removes the intro when the game starts up.
  3. Is there a number of mods limit in Witcher 3? I recently installed some mods and my game would get stuck in infinite loading screen. I thought it was the mod I just installed but i just tested switching some mods in and out and its not a specific mod, its when I get past the 47 number of mods mark. At 48, I just get infinite loading screen when trying to load my save. I never mad a mod.settings file, could this be the issue?
  4. Sorry to hear, this is the exact reason why I have not installed that mod. I'm not sure if its possible, but the mod should just prevent you from fast traveling during those instances.
  5. I would like this too. Possibly even make it so you it keeps a log of say the previous 100 lines or something so you can scroll through them in game.
  6. I was using a mod that allowed me to configure exactly the health regen I wanted in and out of combat. It also included checks for toxity and if you're poisoned, etc, so it would not work if these conditions were not met. Unfortunately, it has not been updated to 1.10. Can some update it to 1.10 or create a similar mod? This is the mod in question: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/475/?
  7. Anybody know where I can get an animation for the following dual wield set up? Sword on back (right hand) Dagger on hip (left hand)
  8. Hey i was wondering if anyone knew of a shout mod or could make one that added a similar affect the one in the video below. I've been using the whirlwind sprint shout to simulate but its not quite the same.
  9. Hey i was wondering if anyone knew of a shout mod that added a similar affect the one in the video below. I've been using the whirlwind sprint shout to simulate but its not quite the same.
  10. That list I posted is from a skyrimwiki page. I've tested fortify destruction (reduction in cost) and it does not work on my followers (vanilla or mod added ones). All i want is a simple mod that opens up all enchantments. I guess I could try asis but it seems like such a big mod that i do not want. Scroll down for list of enchantments that work on followers: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Followers
  11. Is there a simple mod that just makes it so all equipment enchantments work on followers? I always try to balance my follower's damage and survability but its difficult sometimes because I use custom difficulty settings which work fine for me but sometimes not for my followers. As far as I'm aware only the following enchantments works on followers: Fortify Carry Weight[verification needed — see talk page]Fortify HealthFortify Health Regeneration—only works during recovery phase/out of combatFortify Heavy ArmorFortify Light ArmorFortify MagickaFortify Magicka RegenerationFortify StaminaFortify Stamina RegenerationFortify Unarmed DamageMuffleResist FireResist FrostResist MagicResist PoisonResist ShockWaterbreathing (Followers won't drown anyway, but this stops them surfacing for air.)
  12. Is there a simple mod that just makes it so all equipment enchantments work on followers? I always try to balance my follower's damage and survability but its difficult sometimes because I use custom difficulty settings which work fine for me but sometimes not for my followers. As far as I'm aware only the following enchantments works on followers: Fortify Carry Weight[verification needed — see talk page]Fortify HealthFortify Health Regeneration—only works during recovery phase/out of combatFortify Heavy ArmorFortify Light ArmorFortify MagickaFortify Magicka RegenerationFortify StaminaFortify Stamina RegenerationFortify Unarmed DamageMuffleResist FireResist FrostResist MagicResist PoisonResist ShockWaterbreathing (Followers won't drown anyway, but this stops them surfacing for air.)
  13. I have currently 224 total according to NNM, 130 esps. Runs smoothly. I get the ocassional CTD every 4-5 hours maybe, but I'm fine with that.
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